Chapter 17: Wait, What?

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Chapter 17: Wait, What?

You floated in the water, a brand-new Digimon charged with power. It was completely different from when you had become Beetledramon - for one thing, you felt lighter. You took a second to get used to your new form, though it wasn't too different from Dramon's.

Then you saw Preciomon heading for you with his mouth gaping open for an attack. You quickly gathered your darkness power and released it above and below you with a roar. From there, it expanded and formed a whirlpool of darkness. It stretched all the way to the ocean bottom where you now stood on drying sediment.

Suddenly Preciomon's head burst through the whirlpool's wall. "Shaking Pulse!" he yelled, but you were faster. You leapt over his attack and gave him a kick to the head to propel yourself up out of the whirlpool.

It collapsed once you were out of it, but you hit the water again when you tried to fly and realized you had no wings. "What kind of dragon doesn't have wings?!" you wondered.

Abruptly something wrapped around your leg and pulled you under again. The first thing you saw was Preciomon's head coming for you. You instinctively lashed out with a solid punch and hit the monster's nose. He paused, but only for a second.

'My punches don't have as much force underwater!' you thought as his teeth got closer.

Then you opened your mouth, determined to get serious. "Endlich Meteor!" you roared. A black and gold swirling batch of energy erupted out of your mouth and struck Preciomon in the back of his throat. He shrieked and pulled away, and you did it again. This time it hit his face, close to the eye.

He was stunned still for an instant and that was all the opening you needed. You swam in close enough to strike with your claws and shifted back into Dramon. "Spirit Claw!" you bellowed and sank your claws into him.

It didn't feel like what you had expected - you might as well have been cutting through air. You made a big arc with your arm and cut deeply into Preciomon's side. Strangely your claws left no wound, so you struck again in a different place. "Spirit Claw!"

It felt the same this time, except something happened. Preciomon writhed and howled, and his skin rippled to reveal his warped data. But now it was beginning to peel away like the cover of a banana. Preciomon's data was thrown off and dissolved into nothing - and Coelamon was left behind. He looked very tired.

Suddenly you realized you had to breathe. You grabbed Coelamon and hurried for the surface to get air. You burst out of the waves, gasping loudly. "Coelamon?"

He still wasn't answering, so you flapped your little wings and launched into the air. You could see Kouichi still waiting on the cape, calf-deep in the water, from anxiety you presumed. He waved to you unnecessarily, probably to relieve his worry. You glided to him faster than you usually would, concerned about Coelamon.

"Did you defeat Preciomon?" Kouichi asked when you landed.

"Yeah," you said, "but Preciomon was Coelamon with a covering of bad data." You gently set the fish down and studied him. "I was kinda hard on him. I hope he'll be okay."

Kouichi pointed and said unhappily, "I don't think that's okay."

Coelamon was covered in cracks and his data was beginning to peel too. "Oh no!" you shouted. "That's what happened to Preciomon!" Your wings fluttered with panic. "What do we do?!"

"Use your Spirit Flame!" Kouichi ordered. "Try to fix him!"

You took a deep breath and gently blew flames across Coelamon, hoping desperately that it would fix him. But when your air ran out, the cracks were still there. "It didn't work!" you squeaked.

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