Chapter 31: Dude! Triassic Park!

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Chapter 31: Dude! Triassic Park!

You clamped your legs to hold onto your dinosaur mount as it reared up and let out a bellow. "Woo!" you shouted at the same time. "This is the best day of my whole life!"

You had come to terms with being on the moon - one of the moons - and had even started to enjoy it somewhat. The red plant life was unnerving you still but the lower gravity was completely awesome. You could jump like a grasshopper now! And when you flapped your arms as fast as you could, you were almost able to hover. The discovery nearly blew your mind.

And then you had found a dinosaur-mon whose back was within jumping distance. You couldn't resist.

It had been a little upset at first but had eventually settled down and let you keep riding - just to enjoy the view, you informed him. And he seemed to be enjoying the company.

"Hey, kid! You don't hafta shout it right in my ear!"

"Sorry, Ankylomon," you said bashfully. "I'm just excited. I've never ridden a dinosaur before."

"Well, most dinosaurs have never been ridden before," he chuckled. "But I know none of them would like having their ears shouted in."


"Hey, sugah," Ranamon said, appearing seated behind you on Ankylomon's back. "Don't forget that y'all gotta get back to the Digital World and save it from that ugly monster."

"Yes, Ally," added Dramon as she appeared behind Ranamon. "Fun is nice but you've seen what we're up against. Every minute counts now."

"Right," you said. "Ankylomon, I need to ask you something."

"Does it have anything to do with what your friends are talking about?"

"Wait, you can hear them?!" The other souls appeared on Ankylomon's back, watching with great interest.

"Yeah. This moon is a very spiritual place. Almost all the Digimon here can sense the spirits around them. I happen to be able to hear them."

"That's very interesting," Dramon said thoughtfully. "I had the feeling there was something special about this place."

"It's a very special place! This moon is the original paradise, created long ago by the Sky Dragon. Some say that all the Digimon down on the world's surface originally came from this moon."

"How could they have gone all that way?" you asked. Maybe that would solve your problem.

That was quickly shot down. "Ah, no one knows how they made it down there. Although..." he hummed, "there's a chance that MasterTyrannomon would know. He's the guardian of our legends and the data wellspring and knows more than anyone else."

"Can you take us to him? It's really important that I get back down there as soon as possible."

"Not a problem, little human. It'll take a few hours though. The master lives far out int he wilderness."

"Then we should get moving," said Dramon.

"No problem!" Ankylomon took off at a run, though with his massive size he still couldn't move very fast.

You traveled for about two hours and then you all came across another of the dinosaurs that you had first seen when you woke up. It was even bigger than Ankylomon with a long neck and tail and gray scaly skin. You were reminded of a brachiosaur, like the ones in the movie 'Jurassic Park'. But it took no notice of your group; its head was buried in the top of a super tall tree munching away contentedly.

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