Chapter 57: Ice-Coated Hell

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Chapter 57: Ice-Coated Hell

~Kouichi POV~

My blood ran cold and goosebumps erupted all over my skin. For a moment I wondered if the Destruction Dragon would just lash out at me right then and I mentally scrambled for some way to defend myself if so. But although the air was thick with menace, no overt attack came.

"I know what you are," I said. Maybe I could distract it until I came up with a way to escape.

The false Ally's grin grew smaller but no less wicked and she lifted an eyebrow in a sardonic expression. "I should hope so. I'd be so sad if you forgot a good friend."

That mocking tone rankled my temper and I snapped back. "You're not Ally! I know what you really are! You're the Destruction Dragon!"

My accusations only made the imitation shrug nonchalantly. "You're not wrong. In truth, I am both."


For some reason my gut reaction provoked a greater response and rage erupted on her face. "Quiet!" she spat. "Do you think it was only I who tore this world apart?! Your friend Ally was vital to my return - without her I could not have taken the spirits or the world's data for my rebirth! If you blame me, then you must also blame her!"

"No! You're using her against her will!"

"Will does not matter. My return, our struggles, and the final outcome were all decided before the beginning. The only choice that ever mattered was of you otherworlders to come here.

"That single choice each of you made was what inevitably led us to this point. All of you are as guilty as I! Your presence here brought the spirits back to life and fulfilled the fate that was meant to be! All of us have torn down this world together!"

The winds circling us caught my attention then - they'd been whining eerily, perhaps to alarm me and put me off, but the sounds changed into growls now. It was my warning that our not-so-pleasant conversation was at an end.

"Now, Kouichi Kimura..." Even her voice was warping and breaking, losing any humanity that the Destruction Dragon had managed to cloak itself in. "I will take Löweemon's spirit from you. And with the two darkness spirits combined and powered by Wyvernmon, I will destroy those other humans and take their spirits as well! All of our destinies will at last be achieved!"

It was no longer a doppelgänger of Ally before me now; it had become a Beast. The monster was only vaguely humanoid with pure darkness oozing from its skin and long, gleaming fangs. Its cat-like eyes glowed hatefully with an intensity I could physically feel.

The monster leaped for me, claws bared to strike. I couldn't possibly dodge.

A bolt of crimson lightning intercepted the Beast before it reached me, exploding against it and making it let out a deafening scream. It was thrown backwards, smoke rising from its disgusting flesh, and after regaining its balance it snarled viciously.

"Stay back, Kouichi!" Cherubimon bellowed as he interposed himself between me and the Beast. "This foe is mine!"

The Beast roared and changed form again, returning to the enormous shadowy dragon that we kept seeing as it manipulated SkullWyvernmon. It towered over us, even Cherubimon and his great size, with its evil red eyes fixed determinedly on us.

"So, you live yet, Cherubimon," it rumbled. "It seems I underestimated your tenacity."

With a growl, the holy Digimon summoned a spear of lightning and prepared to attack. "I admit, surviving your assault at the Rose Morning Star was luck; but when I found myself here, I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to me."

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