Chapter 46: Salad-Shooter-Mon to the Rescue

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Chapter 46: Salad-Shooter-Mon to the Rescue

~Junpei POV~

"Wait," Ally demanded. "Wait, wait, wait."

She stared me down, the most serious expression on her face. Only Kouji could make a face like that. I waited to hear the continuation of her thought.

"Are you serious?" Her look intensified as she spaced out each word. "Takuya found his Beast Spirit?"

Instantly I knew where she was going with this and I grinned. "Yeah."

"YES!" she cried and threw her arms up with joy. "There is a God!"

I burst out laughing - she was so silly! But I completely understood her reaction. "Yeah, Takuya is a lot easier to tolerate now. When we get back to the others you'll see."

"That's a huge relief! It'll be so much better being in the group without Takuya asking me every five seconds if I hear a spirit!"

"Especially since you already found Agunimon."

"And Zephyrmon too! I bet Izumi will be so happy for her Beast Spirit. Since she and Takky are so alike."

I knew for a fact that Izumi would be thrilled to have her Beast Spirit. But it wasn't just that thought that made me happy. Ally was finally acting like her old self again. I had started to worry about her back at the Toucanmon Resort - she'd gone so quiet after the battle with Cannondramon. I was starting to think that she'd been hurt or something when she fainted. But she seemed to recover as we rode on Angler across the ocean. Now she was almost back to normal, aside from a couple of occasions when I caught her staring at me with a weird expression on her face.

As the thought came to me, I started to glance over at her to see if she was staring again. Then without warning I was thrown clear across the train car. Angler's brakes shrieked against the metal rails and the whole car was rattling as if it would come apart. Finally we came to a shuddering stop and all I heard was the hiss of steam being released.

As I picked myself up off the floor I looked for Ally. She'd also been tossed around and would up half draped over an entirely different seat, obviously stunned.

"We should find new transportation," I heard her mumble. "My skull can't take any more of these stops."

"Seriously," I agreed. "What the heck, Angler?!"

"That's what the heck!" he squealed and I felt his wheels slipping as he tried to back up.

From outside the train car I heard a hideous noise and a roar as the ground quaked sickeningly. Instantly I recognized what the noise had been - another warped Digimon had appeared.

"Ach! It's a Blossomon!" Angler cried. Shadowy tentacles shot past the windows and wrapped around the car. They began to constrict; I heard the metal groaning and cracks zigzagged across the window glass.

"Ally!" I said urgently and pulled my D-Tector from my pocket.

"I've got your back," she replied. Her D-Tector was already in her hand.

~Your POV~

You and Junpei rushed out the door of the train car seconds before the tentacles crisscrossed over it, locking it shut. As they tightened, you got a better look at them and realized that they weren't tentacles, they were vines. Their source was an enormous plant Digimon that looked like a sunflower surrounded by thorny branches.

With a roar it lifted up the train cars and poor Angler and slammed them back down. The immense impact sent dirt and dust flying in all directions, but you heard clearly the sound you'd come to dread: the high-pitched nails-on-a-chalkboard screech of damaged fractal code. One of the Destruction Dragon's puppets!

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