Chapter 9: Beetlemon the Lightning Bug!

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Chapter 9: Beetlemon the Lightning Bug!

As you got closer to Flame Terminal, you got more and more nervous. What if Pipismon had been wrong? What if you couldn't hear this spirit? What if -

"They're not going to kill you for being wrong," Dramon said. You flinched, surprised by her appearance. "These are all chosen children too."

"Though, it would be better for you to be right," Beetlemon added, appearing on your other side. "They'll be less likely to trust you in the future if you're wrong now."

Your worry level promptly tripled. Dramon glared at Beetlemon. "Not helping!" she hissed.

"Oops," he replied.

You smiled and chuckled softly despite your nerves. Beetlemon was acting just like Junpei.

"What's so funny?" You looked left past Dramon. Kouichi had noticed your grin, and when he pointed it out, the others looked too.

Many eyes. Terrifying. You blushed and clenched a fist while you walked. "Beetlemon and Dramon were trying to encourage me," you replied. "And Beetlemon said something dumb."

"Hmph!" Beetlemon said, crossing his arms. "This is what I get for trying to help a human."

You glanced at him and then back to the others, less afraid. "Now he's grumpy." You looked back at him for a second. "I think he's done talking to me for a while."

"Good," Dramon said.

Kouichi laughed but the others looked like they didn't know what to say to that - except Junpei.

"Well, if you're gonna insult him, of course he won't talk to you," he said with a teasing grin.

You returned his challenge. "Well, if he's gonna say dumb stuff, I have to point it out. He wouldn't want to sound dumb if he met the Queen of England, would he?"

"It's not like he'll ever meet the Queen of England."

"But if he did, he wouldn't want to sound dumb, would he?"

"I don't think the Queen would care if he sounded dumb or not."

"But you don't know if the Queen would care or not if a lightning bug sounded dumb."

"What?" Junpei and Beetlemon both said. "Lightning bug?"

"Yeah," you said. "He uses electricity. And he's a bug. Lightning bug."

There was a minute of quiet and then Takuya began laughing. The others joined in too. "Lightning bug," he said between laughs. "Why didn't I think of that?!"

Beetlemon vanished and you got the feeling that he didn't find it quite as funny. Junpei didn't either, but he didn't seem to be offended by it. He looked like he was thinking hard about the image.

"Do you want Beetlemon's spirit now?" you asked as you chuckled. "I think he's pretty mad at me."

Junpei chuckled too. "I'd better. I don't want him to get the idea of shocking you."

You held up your D-Tectors and Beetlemon's spirit passed between them. "Back where you belong!" Junpei said happily. "I'll take better care of you than dragon-girl did."

"We're here!" Bokomon called before you could retort. You blinked in surprise. Just a few feet away was the edge of a metal floor.

Your nerves came roaring back and you hesitated. The 'what if' monster had you fast.

"Come on, Ally! It won't bite!" Takuya cheered.

"You sure? I've seen some crazy stuff in just two days." You began walking towards the metal.

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