Chapter 11

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I then waited for a next back. I then my buzzed I opened it to read,

I was wondering if I could finally meet you.


At the ball under the disco ball.


Okay then. Until then.

Until then.

I looked over to Brittany and smiled huge. She looked at me and asked,


"He wanted to meet at the ball under the disco ball." I told her.

"Oh my gosh. That is amazing." She said.

"It is." I said.

"Looks like we need to go shopping." Brittany said.

"I heard shopping." We heard someone say. We turned around to see Kurt.

"Yeah. Rachel's mystery boo finally wants to meet her at the ball. So we need to go shopping for costumes." Brittany said.

"I am so in." Kurt said with so much joy.

*Noah's POV*

I just got done texting MusicPrincess. I finally told her I want to meet her. She has been patience with me this long. I think I made her wait long enough. So I will get my ticket later. I have to glee now. I was going to be late.

I walked into the glee room. Luckily I was not late. I took a seat in the back of the room. Mr. Shuester hasn't come in yet. So I have time to day dream or whatever. Before I left reality Rachel walked into the room with Hummel and Brittany. When did they become friends?

I just shocked my head and left reality. I don't know how long I was not paying attention. I didn't know someone took the seat next to me. I didn't know until I heard,

"Hey man."

I looked over to see it was Mike. I then said,

"Hey Mike. What's up?"

"Nothing. So are you going to this ball everyone is talking about?" Mike asked me.

"Yeah. I am getting my ticket at lunch." I told him.

He looked at me shocked. Usually I don't go to these things. I go if I have a reason to go or made to go.

"Really man? Who are you going with?" He asked me.

I then wiggled my phone between my figures and said,


"You asked her to meet with you?" He asked me.

"Yeah. We will be meeting maybe. I know I will show. But I don't know about her part." I told him truthfully.

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