Chapter 15

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"What did your car not start again?" We heard behind us. We turned to see Noah.

"No Noah. Kurt and I were waiting for Brittany." I told him.

"For what?" He asked me.

"We are going shopping. If you must know." Kurt said to Noah.

"Okay. Have fun." Noah said walking away.

"What was that all about?" Brittany asked me.

"My car didn't start working one day after school and the football team was the only one here. So Noah helped me." I told her.

"Oh okay. That makes sense." Brittany said.

We then got into my car and headed to the mall. I was in the middle of Kurt and Brittany. We had our arms leaked together. We walked the mall looking at different shops and stores. Then we came up to one. It was all costumes.

"Let's do this one." Brittany said dragging me into the store. Kurt was helping her. We went into the store. I started to look around. But nothing caught my eye. Kurt got his costume. He was going as a bull fighter. Brittany is going a unicorn.

"Did you find anything Rach?" Kurt asked me.

I shocked my head no. I haven't seen anything. I tried on many different things. But nothing really worked. I was just about to give up until I saw it. The one thing I wanted. I know it wasn't much or even a costume. But I could figure something else and just maybe it will come with a costume.

"Can I see that?" I asked the clerk.

"Yes." He said pulling out a beautiful white lacy mask.

"It gorgeous." I said.

"I don't have anything to go with it." He told me.

"That's fine. I will probably figure something out." I told him.

I bought the white lacy mask. It was the only thing I had for a costume right now. But I will figure something out. I always do. Then Kurt, Brittany, and I headed back to my place for a sleepover.

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