Chapter 19

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"This is how I am going to help you, sweetie." Ms. Holiday said pushing the box towards me. I opened it to see gorgeous wedding dress. I looked up to Ms. Holiday. She was smiling at me.

"Why do you have this?" I asked her.

"Just in case I want to try a round two." She told us.

"You were almost married?" Brittany asked her.

"Yeah. But that was a long time ago." She told us.

"I can't. This must cost a lot." I told her pushing the box back towards her.

"Yes you can. This dress need a good night out. Please Rachel." She told me.

"Okay. Thank-you." I told her.

"Always. Now go get that man." She said.

I thanked her again and Kurt, Brittany and I headed home.

It is now the night of the ball. Kurt and Brittany was coming over to my place to get ready. I was nervous. But I was also excited. It was finally happening. I was going to meet him.

*Noah's POV*

It was the night of the ball. I was getting ready and meet up at the ball. I got dressed and left to meet up the guys. Mike, Finn, and I were going as the three musketeers. But I changed my mind at the last minute and got a different costume.

*Rachel's POV*

We got done getting ready and Kurt was driving us all to the ball. I was nervous. The butterflies were really hitting me now.

"I don't know guys." I said to them.

"We are not letting chicken out because of your nervous. You are doing this. You look great. He would be lucky to have you." Kurt said to me.

"What if I am not what he wants or expects?" I asked them.

"Rach, this guy has to be an idiot not to like you. He already fell for you just by your personality and not knowing what you look like. He is going to be blown away when he sees you for the first time. If he doesn't like what he sees. Then he is a straight up douche. Who deservers no one. Because the best is right here. He can do no better then you." Brittany told me.

"Oh Brit. Thanks. That was amazing." I said to her.

"Always. That is what true friends are for." She told me.

Then we walked into the place. Brittany and Kurt went first. They were at the bottom. Blaine was waiting for Kurt at the bottom. But he doesn't know that it is me. Then there was a bright light hitting me. It was a spot light. I then walked down the stairs. I overheard people talking about me.

"Who's that?"

"Love her dress. But hate her." I heard Santana say when I walked past her.

Then Brittany came over to me and walked me away from everyone and to the dance floor. She took me to under the disco ball. She then said,

"Kurt and I will not be far. We will be keeping an eye on you. You got this."

"Thanks Brittany." I said.

"Always." She said.

I stood there for a couple minutes. People were dancing around me. I looked around to see if anyone was coming near me. But no one. I then heard someone say,

"You know you are standing right under the disco ball at this time."

I then turned around to see Jacob Ben Israel. Are you kidding me? It can't be him.

"Jacob, are you MusicCore?" I asked him.

"Of course I am the music of your core." He said to me. He was not getting closer to me. I backed up.

"I think I need to get a drink." I told him.

"Something to drink. Be right back." He said.

He then left. I stood there. I was shaking my head. I then said,

"This can't be right."


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