Chapter 44

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I ran away from bleachers. I wasn't sure where I was going. I just wanted away from there. I just keep on running. Quinn just ruined everything for me. I know Puck would be mad at me. I can't face him right now. So, I just left. I ran.

*Puck's POV*

I stayed at with Brittany to look around here. But I know she was not here. So, we are wasting our time. I don't think anyone would know where she went. She just ran and hide.

"You know she is not here." I stated to Brittany.

"I know. But still maybe someone saw her somewhere." She told me.

"Sure." I said sarcastic.

"Really Puck. You know we are mainly doing this to see if Rachel alright. You will come second." She told me honesty.

"I know. But Brittany, you know I just want answers for all this. I really don't want to hurt her." I told her truthfully.

"I know. But Puck, you might not like the answers. Just remember she was scared and everything." She told me.

*Rachel's POV*

I looked around I then decided here was good. I was in the parking lot by my car. I know the Brittany and Kurt are probably worried about me. I then pulled out my phone and text them,

I am fine. But just need time to think. I will see you guys later.

I leaned against my car and close my eyes. I just need a breather from everything that just happened.

*Kurt's POV*

Mike and I were walking the school grounds. I haven't seen or heard anything about Rachel yet. But she must be somewhere. I know we will find her. Just then my phone buzzed. I then saw it was a text from Rachel. I opened it and read,

I am fine. But just need time to think. I will see you guys later.

I looked over to Mike and showed him the text. He then asked,

"What is next?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should give her the space she needs. Let's head back to others and regroup." I told him.

"Yeah. Let's do it. She will come back when she is ready." He told me. We then headed back to others. I know she will come back when she is ready.

*Puck's POV*

We regroup up after Kurt and Brittany received the text. Now we just wait. I am not leaving this until I get to talk to her. Even if I must go hunt her down myself. We are waiting in the glee room. We all agreed that if we do not hear or see by end of the day we are going to her place.

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