Chapter 14

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"Thanks Berry." I said. Then the bell rang and I grabbed my things. I was one of the first to get out of there. I headed to where they were selling tickets.

I bought my ticket and quickly went to football practice. I can't be late. Couch will kill me and make me do laps. I really am not in the mood to do laps. I got to the locker room and got changed quickly. I ran out to the field.

"Man, you just made it." Sam said to me.

"Tell me something I don't know." I told them.

I looked up to see Rachel sitting on the bleachers. What can't she start her car again? Oh Berry only you. I then saw Hummel sitting there with her. I then saw Santana and Quinn glaring at her. What happened there? You know what. I don't want to know.

*Rachel's POV*

I was waiting on the bleachers with Kurt for Brittany. We were still going shopping. I told Kurt what happened on my free block and why Quinn and Santana glaring at me.

"Wow. That is insane." Kurt said to me.

"Yeah I know. But I am happy to have Brittany as my friend." I told her.

"Yeah. I love having her around. She brightens everything up more." Kurt said.

"She does." I said.

"So what are you going to look for a Barbara costume for the ball?" Kurt asked me.

"You what. No. I am going to do something else." I told him.

"Oh my gosh. Really? What happened to my Rachel Barbara Berry? She always went to anything that does with costumes as Barbara." Kurt asked me.

"I just want to do something different. I really don't want him to know it was me right away." I told him.

"Why is that?" He asked me.

"What if he doesn't like what he sees or who I am?" I asked him.

"He then will get this ass kicked by me and Brittany." Kurt said giving me a hug.

"Okay. Thanks Kurt." I said.

"Always. That is what I am here for." Kurt said.

"Also I want to do something different." I told him.

"Okay." He told me. Then Brittany came up to me.

"Ready?" She asked us.

"Yes." I said.

"What did your car not start again?" We heard behind us. We turned to see......

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