Chapter 33

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Then we both hanged up. I just kept on walking. Quinn was watching me. But why?

I just ignored her. I know I shouldn't let her get to me. Or stop me from telling him the truth. But I am scared on what she might do.

The rest of the day went by fast. For most of the day I was avoiding Quinn and Puck. I didn't know what to say to him. For Quinn, I just wanted to stay out of sight and out of mind.

It was lunch time now. I went to my locker to get my lunch. I pack my lunch most of the time.

I got to my locker and opened it. A piece of paper fell out. I picked it up to see a girl hand writing. It said,

Remember you tell. Trouble will happen for you.

I looked around to see if the person was still around. But no one was around. They were either in class or at the lunch room. I know who it was from. I grabbed my things and head shut my locker. I then headed to the lunch room.

I saw Kurt and the others sitting outside for lunch. Brittany and Kurt both came up to me.

"Hey Diva. I was getting worried about you." Kurt said.

"Why were you late? I thought you were just going to get your lunch." Brittany asked.

"Later." I said to them.

We then joined the others. I just ate in silent. I listened to everyone's else convections.

"Hey Rach." I heard.

I looked over to see it was Finn. I then asked,


"You okay? You are just really quiet today." He asked me.

"Yeah. I am fine. Just don't have a lot to say today." I told him.

"Wow. That must be the first. Rachel Berry also has something to say." Santana said.

"Well today I don't. Sorry to disappoint you Santana." I said.

I heard someone chuckle. I glanced over to see it was Noah.

"What you thought that was funny Puckerman? It wasn't." Santana said annoyed.

I just stayed quiet. I wasn't lying when I said I don't have much to say. I didn't.

"Kind of." Noah said to her.

Everyone looked at them both. Everyone stayed liked that for a while. Then they went back what they were doing.

I looked up at Noah. He gave me a small smirk. I smiled back. I then went back to eating.

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