Chapter 47

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"She is just running late. But she will be here." She told me.

*Rachel's POV*

I was running late. But I know I would make it on time. I pulled up to the school. I found a parking spot and then got out. I walked throw the parking a lot. I know people were whispering and talking about me. But I don't care. I just kept my head up high and moving on.

"Hello there manhands. I am surprised you showed up today." Santana said coming up to me with a few cheerleaders.

"You should know better Santana I don't break that easily. So, if you don't mind." I said trying to get pass her. But I was denied by the other cheerleaders. They blocked my escape way.

"Oh Berry, you think you are something. But you are nothing." She told me.

"Santana, whatever you have to say to me won't bring me down. You have no power over me. So, whatever you and Quinn has against me just let it go. Because one day I am the one going to get out of here. Unlike you who will still be here asking people for their orders or worse dancing on a pole." I told her. I then pushed throw her and the other cheerleaders.

I know I will get it later. But I don't care. I will not let them have that power over me ever again. I am Rachel Berry. I am something. I will not let them stop it. I then walked into the school. I know by the time I get to my locker the whole school would hear about it.

*Puck's POV*

I was hanging near Rachel's locker. I was waiting for her. I really want to talk to her. I don't want her to think I hate her or something. I see Hummel and Brittany waiting right at her locker for her. Brittany keeps looking at her phone see if there is any word from Rachel.

"Hey man. Haven't seen her yet?" Mike asked coming up to me.

"Nope. But she must come sooner or later. This is Rachel. She will never miss school for nothing." I told him.

"I know. She is here. Some of the guys from the team saw her and Santana outside talking. More like telling Santana off." Mike told me.

"Really?" I asked surprised. Berry got guts. But I already know that. This is Rachel we are talking about. She doesn't take must shit from people. That what's make her something else. I stood there with Mike for a while. I then saw someone coming down the hallway. I straighten up. Here she comes.

But she got stopped by Quinn, Santana, and some other cheerleaders. This isn't going to be good. I looked over to Mike. But he already knows what I was thinking. So, was Kurt and Brittany. We all went over to the group that was forming.

The Gleek Cinderella Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें