Chapter 21

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"Looks like Cinderella is running away." Beiste said. I then saw her running up the stairs. I got off the stage and ran after her. When I got to the stairs she was gone but she dropped something. I picked it up. This is how I am going to find her.

*Rachel's POV*

I ran out of the building. I ran all the way back to my house. I then got changed and hide my costume away. After a while I heard people downstairs. Then my door of my room flow open. Kurt and Brittany ran into it.

"Rachel, there you are. We have been looking for you." Brittany said coming up and hugging me.

"I am fine." I told them.

"Why did you run?" Kurt asked when he shut the door behind him.

"I don't know. He was just about to take my mask off and then I chickened out. So I ran." I told them.

"Oh it's okay Rach. Everyone gets cold feet. You are fine." Brittany said to me giving me a hug again.

*Noah's POV*

After the ball I walked back to my truck. My whole drive home I had my Cinderella on my mind. Who was she? Why did she run? I will find her. I will never forget those eyes. When I got home my phone was buzzing. I looked at it to see it was Sam.

"Hey man." Sam said to me over the other line.

"Hey." I said.

"You okay man?" Sam asked me.

"I don't man. I meet her tonight." I told him.

"Dude that is amazing. Who is she?" Sam asked sounding happy for me.

"I don't know. She had a mask on. When I was about to take it off she ran. She was the Cinderella on the run." I told him.

"Wow man. How are you going to find her?" He asked me.

I then pulled out the object she dropped and looked I then said,

"I will show you tomorrow if you come over."

"Yeah man." He said. We then said our good-byes and hanged up.

I closed my hand around it and squeezed it. I will find her. She will not get away from me again. On Monday I will begin the search.

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