Chapter 40

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Everyone nodded. Then he went back to the glee lesson. I zoned him out. I know the truth. Quinn will not stop. This will not go away until the truth comes out or she gets her way.

I stayed out of everyone's way for the rest of the day. I was lucky that the rest of the day I didn't get slushied. But I know this will not be the end of it. I know tomorrow is a new day. I was getting the final things from my locker.

"So, that should be the end of it." I heard a ruff voice say to me.

I turned to see it was Noah. But he was not alone. Sam and Mike was with him. I gave them a smile. I know they did something to make it all stop for the rest of the day. Everyone thinks Finn rules the school. They are all rong. Noah does.

"Do I even want to know what you guys did?" I asked them.

"Truly no. But let's jsut say we made it clear to everyone that if they mess with one of our glee family. They mess with us." Sam told me with a smirk.

"Thank you. But you guys know this is not the end of it." I told them.

"Yes it is. Trust us Rachel." Mike said.

"If they try anything tomorrow. They will regret it." Noah told me.

"Noah, you know how I feel about vilounce." I told him.

"I know. But I am just saying." He said.

"But Rach, we only want you to safe and happy. So, if there have to be a little bit of vilounce. We will make sure you are not around to see it." Sam told me.

"I understand that Sam. But I am use to this. I don't want you guys to get into trouble because of me." I told them.

"We will make sure we won't get caught." Sam said.

"It will be over Rachel. Just think of that." Mike told me.

"Fine. I will believe you for right now. But you will see tomorrow. I am telling you." I said closing my locker. With that, I left them standing there. I just wanted to get out of this school before anything bad came happen to me.

*Noah's POV*

She really does trust us. We made it clear as day to all the jocks that if we see any slushie on Rachel. They will regret it. I promise that. I just don't get why they were targeting her more today. She didn't do thing for that. She doesn't desvere it in the beginning. I do really regret starting that.

We watched her walk away. I do feel bad for her. She shouldn't have to feel like this. No one should. Then we left too. But I had something to do before leaving. I went to find two people who I know could help. Or at less tell me what I need to know.

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