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He stares down at his phone absently, the saved contact on the screen glaring up at him in the dark room. He seats himself quietly on the dark covers of his bed and presses the home button, taking him back to the main screen of his phone before locking it.

'Was that a mistake...' He thinks to himself as he lies back against the pillows that were leaned against the wall of his bedroom. He allows his eyes to wonder the nearly blank walls of the small space, watching as the passing by car headlights from the road outside dance over every inch of the expanse. As if they were scanning the walls for any abnormalities, any cracks, any signs of disturbance.

He hears the faint sound of keys jingling in a metallic ring, followed by the unlocking of the front door and the entrance of his rather quiet roommate. The soft footsteps pad down the hallway past his darkened room and move on easily, not detecting his presence in the desolate home. TJ sighs out in relief, not willing to bring himself to be seen or even spoken at for the given time. He felt that there had been enough attention on him for the day, there wasn't more that he could tolerate. Even if it was someone as close to him as his roommate. Calling him a roommate was probably a little too informal for their relationship. In fact, they got along just fine, and he supposed that's why they were able to coexist together without any hindrance. TJ sought every meaning of comfortability, by all means, and he had lucked out on gaining a friend to live with to also suit that criteria of his livelihood.

Disrupting the silence surrounding him, the soft tap echoes in the expanse of his room. His eyes flit to the closed door now framed by the glowing light behind it, the door opens slowly as his friend's face pops in around the wooden door. TJ looks over the dampened multi-colored crop of hair hanging to one side, displaying the prominent undercut beneath with a pair of ice blue eyes piercing through him.

"Ya alright? I saw your shoes by the door..." He speaks in that distinct accent that immediately gave away his origin.

"Yeah. What's up?" He responds with a sigh, moving his blank stare to the end of the bed at his black socks, confirming that he had removed his shoes though not remembering doing so.

"Just making sure, you've got that ominous shit about you right now is all..." His friend voices again, showing his concern for his friend. "But alright, if you don't wanna talk about it, I'll be in my room if ya need me."

TJ chuckles and nods more to himself, the way that his friend would voice his concerns and then immediately make you feel like an ass for not saying anything was his favorite part about the guy. It was never a dull moment, and he wasn't afraid to call him on his bullshit. Which was appreciated, he hadn't ever believed that he would have someone like that in his life.

"Kaeden." TJ calls just as the door is about to shut.

The door swings open, now illuminating the room and the silhouette of his friend in the doorway.

"Let me guess.. you're going out..." Kaeden huffs out an unimpressed sigh but then smiles with a small laugh.

TJ sits up and shoves his phone into his pocket turning to face Kaeden with a mischievous smile and a quirked eyebrow, the facial expression alone was an invitation for debauchery that he knew all too well. Kaeden can't help but burst into laughter, already knowing just from the glint in his eye what he had in mind and waves his hand in refusal.

"That's all you, I'm in for the night, I already showered and queued up some youtube videos. I was just trying to do the right thing and be a decent fucking person by checking in on you. And now I'm done. Have fun though." Kaeden shakes his head of damp hair and exits the room shutting the door behind him, leaving TJ to his own devices.

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