Bend and Break

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The inevitable collapse of a person's mind will occur directly after being unable to comprehend a traumatic experience. Like clockwork, without fail, a conditioned process, something chemical and rapid. And with a fury it'll blaze through to consume their entire existence, the response is what would matter the most. Grief, sorrow, anger, joy; whichever that it may be, feelings were just chemicals anyways, and an abundance of it would be intoxicating more or less.

For her, it was a combination of grief, anger and disbelief. Reeling from the news of finding the remnants of her partner, the one she had planned to spend the rest of her life with, had made plans for the future, all to be taken from her was cruel. The reports from the coroner had stated that it was self-inflicted; amongst several other injuries that were described as old wounds but from battery or assault, or even being hit by a car. It wasn't completely clear, the body had been discovered weeks later from the time of death that was declared from the decay of the flesh. And thus was inconclusive. That didn't sit well with her, she had been searching for him that entire time. He wasn't the kind of person to take his own life, he wasn't the kind to hold anything in, he wouldn't have suffered alone, he would have said something to her. And her thoughts all came back to when he had first started acting strangely, right after Eiji's visit to their home. In their own house, something had happened, and she was prohibited from being involved, Dexter had sworn that it was nothing. But he was manic, and clearly fearful of Eiji from then on. He didn't want to leave the house, tried to wipe his servers completely. Though some traces were left behind, probably from the panic, that just lead to pictures of corpses. It didn't make any sense to her, was he preparing for something? Had he got himself into trouble? And why was Eiji involved? She had to know, she had to find out, but she knew that he was at the root of it, and she couldn't bring herself to believe that Dexter would leave her here, alone.

Hell-bent, that's what it was.


Eiji looks up from his tablet positioned on his lap as he sits comfortably on TJ's couch in the living room. TJ having been getting ready to go to school, he adjusts his sleeves to be pushed up to his elbows and quietly walks over to the door, looking through the peephole as silently as he possibly can. The floor was prone to creaking underfoot, though he had spent enough time to know which boards would produce a sound. He glances to Eiji and then nods his chin to the door, bringing his index finger to his lips signaling for Eiji to be silent for a moment. Another round of stern knocking echoes through the still silence of the home, the two males not making any movement and only keeping their eyes locked. With just a single look, Eiji already knew whom was at the door. He checks his tablet to see that there was an extra Bluetooth device suddenly connected to it, confirming his suspicion. His eyebrows knit into a primal fury that radiated hatred, and disgust. Looking back to TJ, his eyes narrowed he shakes his head slowly and waves his tablet in signal and tosses it aside on the couch cushions with a soft thud. TJ inhales slowly through his nose, tilting his head back and shoving his hands into his pockets. His eyes shift back to the door, as if he could see the mourning woman on the other side. This was more than enough to set him off and yet that wouldn't be best for the location. If he acted rashly now, it would all be over, but it would also lead them to their own demise.

Eiji stands up from his seat and strides over to the door, passing in front of TJ, already knowing that his counterpart was one second away from snapping into a blind rage that wouldn't end well for anyone involved. As another round of more aggressive knocking sounds from the door, Eiji pulls it open quickly, halting her persistent annoyance upon the house and glares down at the woman before him.

Eden was once very beautiful, like a seraph, white blonde hair, clear complexion, proper makeup and attire. But now, she seemed to be a skeleton on TJ's doorstep. Her eyes snap up to Eiji's hatefully, an accusation unspoken and yet demanding in the same sense. If anything she seemed feral, hair a mess, her complexion blotchy and the bags under her eyes could have probably had their own zipcode. She was a mess, and repulsive to Eiji. He had been dealing with her constant barrage of phone calls and text messages to the both of them. Constantly showing up where ever they were, confronting them, hastily placing blame on the two considering they were the only others that Dexter would have had contact with.

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