Seek Comfort, Find Balance

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Nothing ever seemed unusual though, today in particular just had a feeling to it that he couldn't shake. There was something off, the atmosphere had shifted. The one thing that could tip off anyone was the break in routine. Usually about this time his roommate would be getting up and starting in on making coffee, glaring at the pot until it was finished, pouring a cup, having a smoke out back and then off to the shower to prepare for the day ahead. And he knew that his friend had classes today, so it was extremely unusual that none of those things were happening. Not being a coffee drinker himself, he had no such routine and was just returning home from his morning walk that was nearly four hours long. He enjoyed the quietness to allow his mind to daydream about a life he didn't have, or at least one that he had wanted. It was therapy in a sense to get back to nature, and there wasn't a chance in the world that he would miss those morning walks, or forget his camera. Something about the morning light always had the best qualities for nature. It wasn't too stark and it wasn't too dim, but it was soft. And in a way it felt like a new beginning, a new chapter in a book, a new day of course, but it held so much more meaning. As if that innocent start had enough to completely wipe clean the slate of the prior day. And that's how he took it, because it was the best way to stay optimistic. The world had already been sullied and contorted into the ugliness that it was now, but that didn't have to define every being that resided within that given time.

Stepping into the home, he turned to look to the shoes beside the door confirming that his roommate was in fact still there. He sniffed at the air, not picking up any sign of the full bodied aroma of a freshly brewed pot of coffee, or even the after scent of the soaps used to warrant a shower having been taken. He kicked off his running shoes and immediately started for TJ's bedroom door that was closed firmly and knocked his usual tap, knowing that he would be absolutely pissed if he was late. He presses his ear to the door and hears the distant sound of rustling fabric and a grumble that was distinctly TJ's. It was a mix between annoyance and sort of always sounded like a series of curses that would be held under the breath.

"Yeah?" His voice called out from within heavily lidden with sleep.

"Ya know what time it is?" Kaeden called back in that way that was a suggestion for him to check.

"Uhh nope." TJ calls back now sounding a bit more alert to the implication that he probably should know what time it was, but was becoming panicked at the mention of it.

Kaeden steps back away from the door as his ear is suddenly assaulted by the very recognizable sound of his friend launching himself out of bed and hurriedly rushing for the door. In just the right amount of time, Kaeden had flattened himself to the adjacent wall, holding his camera to his chest and watched as TJ bolted from the room, wearing nothing more than a pair of his boxer briefs and lurched for the bathroom.

"Can you make me coffee please I'll love you forever." TJ rushes out, all of his words sounding connected that it would have been nearly impossible to understand what he was saying, though Kaeden had the advantage of familiarity on his side and could understand his friend through the association of a few years.

"I don't want your fucking love. But I'll make your coffee. Why the fuck are you up so late?" Kaeden calls back, loud enough for TJ to hear him, considering he didn't even bother to shut the bathroom door in his moment of haste.

"I couldn't sleep."

Kaeden rolled his eyes, he could visibly hear the shrug that would have been paired with that statement and could even imagine that 'what do you want from me' expression that TJ wore in moments like this. This was enough to put his friend in a bad mood, waking up late that is, but he didn't really feel the desire to see that side of TJ again any time soon. It was like being responsible for another in a way that it would benefit both of them in the long run. Knowing TJ's rage for what it was, it was best to avoid it at all costs. Otherwise, they lived independently as if almost separately though under the same roof. They got along well and that's what mattered. Kaeden had lived a past of constantly having to sift through the fake friends in hope of finding some balance. Where TJ sought comfortability, Kaeden sought balance. Those two tend to fit perfectly together because they catered to one another. Though recently he had noticed that TJ was out more often, or was alone most of the time, that didn't seem to bother their interactions in the slightest. It was as if they could pick up where they left off, such as assembling a jigsaw puzzle. He was hoping that they would be able to spend some time together again soon, Kaeden trusted TJ and would voice nearly all of his concerns so they could talk it over, and mostly so he could get it off of his chest. And TJ would never judge him, or offer any advice unless he asked for it, but they could carry on a conversation that was balanced in every aspect. That was worth revisiting time and time again for Kaeden.

TJ pops out around the corner with a gray towel wrapped around his waist just as the coffee finishes brewing. Kaeden reflexively grabs down a to-go cup and sets it on the corner as he makes his way to the fridge to begin preparing his own breakfast, finding himself rather aggressively hungry after his walk. And like that, TJ was already gone and back in his room, getting dressed and ready to leave. Without a chance for Kaeden to say anything about possibly hanging out later. Shutting the fridge quickly, not wanting to miss his friend he follows the path back to TJ's room and knocks again.

"Thank you, I owe you one." TJ calls automatically as Kaeden listens to the haphazard shuffling that was indeed his friend attempting to get ready.

"No need to thank me. But are you busy later?" He calls through the door and listens, knowing that TJ will answer once he opens the door again.

"Uh no?" TJ opens the door with his backpack slung over his shoulder wearing a pair of black jogger sweatpants and a form-fitting gray t-shirt.

He had decided to throw on a black beanie that loosely sat to cover his dampened hair and was for once wearing his glasses, more or less to cover his black eye up a bit but probably because driving with sleep deprivation wasn't TJ's strong suit and would need the extra help that day.

"Ah, ya picked yourself a heavy hitter the other night didn't you? I should've gone with you. Pissing off people for fun is one thing, but getting in a fight over it is another. I hope you fucked him up good." Kaeden comments with a smirk and nods towards TJ's visible evidence to the fight.

TJ laughs and takes a long drink from his coffee though averting his mismatched eyes to the side of the doorframe. Kaeden nods again and crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall.

"If you're not busy we should drink or whatever." He offers more in a way that said that he would really appreciate if TJ would be there for him, this was a common phrase that they both knew meant that it was important, but at the same time left an opening for refusal in consideration of the other.

"Yeah, man, that sounds great actually. I've got some shit to tell you too. I'll be home uhhhh a bit later though. Finals coming up and all." TJ responds quickly and adjust his glasses on the brim of his nose.

"That's fine, I've got work tonight anyways. So afterwards if we're both not too fucking tired." Kaeden nods in agreement, feeling that ease of knowing that he had at least this much to look forward to after a long day of boredom at work.

Without another word TJ makes to leave the house again and rushes to his car, actually forgetting his keys this time. Kaeden sighs and follows behind, grabbing the keys from the hook and tosses them to the already frazzled male now pivoting to go back for his keys to be hit with the ring of shaped metal articles in the chest.

"Boyyo, did that guy hit you that hard for you to be acting like a fucking chicken with its head cut off?" Kaeden calls teasingly to his friend as he bends to pick up his keys from the grass of the front lawn.

"Oh, get fucked." TJ calls back and stops for a moment to shift a blade of grass from captivating a small flower trying to grow through before picking up his keys and getting into his car.

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