Hit the Lights

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It was nothing new, nothing uncommon, the act of adapting to another to be able to correlate with them. It wasn't anything impractical either, a standard response when socializing with anyone new, or just in general. The people that feign a smile and thank an employee for their service for that day, usually it was always a smile or a wave of the hand that would bridge that gap between two people. The act of positivity and happiness that was most demanded between two entities. Whatever it may be. The act of negativity and a threat was what would push others away and entice fear. Fear comes in a variety though, with more depth, different factions and branches. Happiness was singular, and simple, intended for single use and meant for single occurrences. But fear.... That's where the reality of life comes into play. Fear can be experienced based off of situation, whether it's fear for your well-being; physically, mentally, financially, safety, security. The list goes on. Fear for another in the same manner, fear from another in the same manner. It comes in many different forms and yet all feels the same besides the reasoning, which already proves to be more genuine of a feeling. Then there's the resonation of the emotion itself. Happiness can be easily forgotten and taken for granted, fear can dig its way under your skin, crawl into your veins, transfer to your brain and nest itself deeply within, with zero chance of an extraction like a parasite. Reassurance was one thing to dispel the fear, but for how long would that last before it creeps back into your mind as a reminder that it is something that you do not wish to come to fruition.

The components of the chemical, anxiety and paranoia driven reaction already called for more attention than a fleeting moment of joy. And that's what he wanted, something to stick, being kind wasn't something that had an effective response. The words never remained, were never remembered, always taken for granted. It was better to be blunt even if it came off as rude, those tended to teach a deeper lesson, and would rear its head time and time again. So why not use that method? Most supreme leaders that were written about in history books were revered as terrifying dictators that led through the process of invoking fear. Kind leaders were rarely mentioned and not as much in depth, people remembered the fear, people remembered the terror. That's what history taught.

His head picks up from looking down at the textbook he wasn't even reading, but rather staring at being lost within his own mind. The thoughts were still coming as he looked over his shoulder sideways to the door opening at the adjacent side of his room. The crop of messy brown hair poking his head in and those gun metal eyes finding him instantly hulking over his desk, followed by that smile that TJ knew to be none other than a genuine attempt of friendliness from the brunette. Eiji enters the room completely and shuts the door behind him with a soft click. Stuffing his hands into his pants pockets, he leans his weight onto one leg in a comfortable stance looking to his friend. He tilts his head slightly in silent inquiry as to what he was up to and TJ responds by picking up the textbook in his hands, holding it up just high enough for Eiji to see the pages of tiny printed black font with highlighted section.

"Looks boring..." Eiji comments and turns, raising his arms to cross over his chest, looking to the closet of clothing that always seemed to be the male's go-to for entertainment. He was notorious for either dressing up TJ for his own amusement, or casually would steal clothing that he liked. It was like his own shopping center hosted in his best friend's room.

"You don't know how to text or call anymore? I didn't know that you were ready to socialize again..." TJ mutters out abandoning the school work on his desk's surface and turning his swivel chair to watch Eiji shrug dismissively, the topic clearly not open for discussion.

"Dexter text me earlier, says that he wanted to meet up with us for our weekly dinner but I already declined. I wanted to hear about what's going on with our top secret operation." Eiji voices, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips.

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