Whatever It Takes

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It was true what they said about karma. He knew that now as he held his phone to his ear, listening to Eden explain to him how Dexter and Eiji must have gotten into a fight. And he was looking directly into Eiji's cold eyes, his face contorted in anger. Eiji had been right about making friends and how it probably wasn't a good idea for them, how they shouldn't get close to anyone, because now this was becoming chaos, and choices had to be delegated and made to insure the best possible outcome. Already busy with Cyren and Kaeden, he now had to manage the situation with Dexter, Eden and Eiji. Eiji had arrived only moments before Eden had called him and had just finished explaining everything. It was an eventful day for the brunette, but this was all too much for TJ to handle at the moment. His mind a jumbled mess from the issues stacking up and all needing resolutions. This is exactly what TJ didn't like having to deal with, the drama, how this was all unfolding at once made him feel sick and gave him an instant headache.

"T, I don't know what to do.... Dex seems really upset and he doesn't want to talk about it. Did he say anything to you? What about Eij? Did he call or text you?" Eden's voice rings worriedly through the handheld device.

TJ glances to Eiji and shakes his head, his lips forming into a line of uncertainty.

"No, no one has said anything to me." TJ responds calmly though inside of his head feels as if it's about to split.

He turns away from Eiji and looks to the corner of the room, closing his eyes for just a moment as he listens to Eden begin to become emotional over not being able to do anything about the given situation. She was always so sympathetic with everything and wanted to do anything to help, when feeling that she was unable to do so, it tore her apart. Given that was her job in the first place, dealing with it on a personal level was more than she could bear, and TJ could foresee that she would be taking some time off to recoup over this entire thing. On the other side of the spectrum, he didn't know what Dexter could have found having hacked into Eiji's device, but he could confirm that Eiji was pissed and wanted to do something about it. With so many people involved, this would be messy, and the last thing he wanted to do was let someone like Eden get mixed up into all of this, because she didn't deserve any of it.

"T, will you help me?" She asks quietly, her voice heavy with sadness.

TJ sighs out and opens his eyes, crossing his arm across his chest to hook his hand in the crook of his elbow from holding the phone to his ear.

"Look, E.D.. I'm sure all of this will blow over in no time at all. Try not to think about it too much. You don't need to get upset over this. It doesn't concern you, or me. This is between Dexter and Eiji. So let's leave it to them, yeah? For now let's just focus on being supportive whatever the outcome may be." TJ speaks fluidly, trying his best to reassure the girl and calm her down at least for the time being.

He did care that she was upset because of the fact that she was the one that didn't have any clue as to what was going on. He wanted to protect very few from the world, and mostly himself, and she was one of those few. She was pure, and completely innocent. There was nothing that was wrong with her or that could be seen as being vile or corrupt, so in his mind, she was untouchable. Dexter on the other hand had a knack for prying too deeply and it would often times get him into trouble. And in trouble he would be in if they didn't figure this out quickly enough.

"You're right... thank you T. I'll try to go talk with Dex and see if I can get him to cheer up again.." She states calmly and hangs up shortly after, knowing already that TJ wasn't the one to ever say anything back and would just end a call.

He drops the phone from his hand to land on the ground with a small thud in his rising frustration and turns to face his still glaring counterpart, his arms stiff with his hands in his pockets, he would make a perfect gargoyle with his posture at the given moment. TJ scratches at his eyebrow and looks to the side in thought.

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