The Harvest of the Informant

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There was always something about a new beginning. It was always so dramatic fearing the end of something, but when it finally did, that was it, it was done with and there was no more need for the fear of it. Though it's natural to dread the end of anything, something good, something worth keeping, fighting for something, fighting for nothing. All things came to an end, and yet instead of looking forward to it, it was natural to veer away from it.

Eiji glanced up as the brunette he was currently stalking passed by not noticing him in the alleyway. He was determined to learn her schedule before proceeding with anything. Promising TJ that he would take care of this one, he was adamant in making it seamless and quick for both of their sakes. The kicker was that she was so closely related with TJ's doll, and there had to be a reason to get her to quit. He figured that he could manage something in order to get her either fired or force her into leaving. But it was all a part of the process. He first needed to learn of her weaknesses, and apparently she thought highly of herself by the way she acted from their first exposure to the bitch bartender.

'Grace.' Eiji thinks her name to himself, remembering it from her nametag.

He stepped in line behind her on the sidewalk as she was basically strutting towards her place of work. He contemplated just snagging her off of the street as was TJ's protocol, he had a way of just getting them in an isolated place, having scoped out for any security cameras or possibilities of getting caught. He also had a way of making sure that if there was no way around that to be able to lure them into his own trap. He was a master at the hunt, whereas Eiji enjoyed the mind manipulation that would lead his prey into the trap by making them believe that he meant no harm. The betrayal was something he enjoyed seeing form in their eyes. It was a different kind of shock than TJ's sneak attacks. This one was one of the mind, it was fun to play with his toys before making his collection of them. They were all played up by his strings and danced in his show exactly how he wanted. He can't help but chuckle to himself with a smirking smile, just thinking of what she would look like once he's able to acquire her, he was looking forward to it.

Having received a victorious message from TJ about his doll, he was in high spirits, now it would be easier for his friend. But that also meant that they were getting to their end goal. Turning another person into something like them seemed like such a thrill, he wondered how she would do it, would she be a slasher like him, or a beater like TJ, or would she be completely different? Maybe a combination? He inhales deeply in his excitement, imagining watching her take the life of another, would she be crazed, angry, thrilled or calm. The idea alone cast him into goosebumps. It was one thing to watch TJ beat someone to death, it was another thing to watch someone he hardly knew doing it for the first time. Like opening a present on Christmas day, you know that there's a gift inside, but you don't know what it is until that moment of removing all of the wrapping and filler paper.

Grace stops at the light and pulls out her phone from her coat pocket checking the time and replacing it quickly. She was dressed in black converse sneakers, tight fitting jeans that had rips along her thighs that displayed her skin, her work shirt was another tank top but she had rolled up the bottom to fit more like a crop top, and yet again her paid for rack was out for display. He mentally groaned at the glittery lotion she had seemingly applied to her showing skin, and her open black parka coat wasn't doing her much good with how it was unzipped. He thought that she looked a common whore, with all of the makeup that she wore, she could have been in her forties going through her midlife crisis. Though Eiji had stolen her wallet already, her identification card stated that she was only twenty-two. Close to his age. He grimaced at her pouted lips, she was intentionally pushing them out probably thinking that it made her look sexy but she just looked like an idiot to him. And yet, the male population of the street all at least looked over her once, she was getting the attention she was calling for. This repulsed him, women like this were so common that you'd think that they would warrant less attention for being cookie-cutter replicas of Barbie dolls, but all the same, sex sells right?

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