Just a Glimpse

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Author's Note: I have been blessed with yet another illustration of TJ done by pogipawn on Instagram. And it's beautiful, so I wanted to share it with everyone that reads this. Thank you for sticking with me. 

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The thought had crossed his mind not once but more than a dozen times. Why was it so important to remain on this Earth? If someone wished to no longer exist, they were labeled as being selfish, because leaving others to feel the pain of the loss of that person was cruel to them. But it was redundant in a sense, he could see how selfish it was for others to want them to stay for their own happiness. When that person could be suffering in a way that no one cared to understand, or even tried to help alleviate. But just the knowing that that person was still alive was enough for those people, even if they rarely spoke, or never even bothered to visit, call, or send any form of communication. It was selfish of others to expect another to stay around just for their ease of mind, when their mind might be the most dangerous place for them. He had mulled over this a million times, he had never had someone that didn't fight for their life, he never had someone that didn't beg to be spared. But he wanted to encounter someone that truly wanted release, would it change the way he thought, would it change his mind, would he no longer continue, or would he play as the executioner, this person's angel to grant their wish. His curiosity was something that could really pull him under, speaking of dangerous minds, this was the dangerous part of his. Nothing interested him more than a new experience, and in a time where the daily norm was to lather, rinse and repeat as needed was as mundane as every still face that he passed by. They were already dead inside for all he cared, this wasn't living, this was waiting for death.

Life was just that, the act of dying, from the moment you're born, you are set for the final destination, and there was no evading that. Some others taken sooner than others, some willingly, some by illness, accidents, natural causes; whatever it was, all things come to an end. But for him, what would be ending next, friendships? His hobbies? Himself? Not knowing what it would be was something that rather bothersome for him, he preferred plans, all things to be under his control.

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