Maestro to His Orchestra

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He was already battered, TJ had done a number on him. His arms were distorted into incomprehensible angles, his ankles were obviously shattered and reminded Eiji of gelatin, the way that he was quivering and groaning was enough to tell him that this man was most definitely ready for death. But he wasn't going to grant him his wish just yet. Eiji crouches down beside the mangled man and smiles to him as his dilated fearful eyes meet his.

"Hello." He coos sweetly and rests his wrists on his knees, tiling his head to the side to look into the eyes of the man at his feet.

"" The man manages out through mouthfuls of blood and spits in the direction of his feet.

Eiji chuckles and looks over his shoulder to TJ sitting against the wall also chuckling at the man's hatred for them. They had no connections to this guy, he had no idea why he was even taken or here. They also had no reason. TJ muttered something about not liking the guy as they walked along the sidewalk, intending on going to the movies at first but Eiji proposed that this would be far more fun. With a shrug TJ had purposely shouldered into the man and provoked the guy into swinging at him. So for any bystanders, he would be defending himself and no one would even raise an eyebrow at TJ decking the guy in the jaw, knocking him out cold. That's what TJ was good for, releasing his anger unchecked on someone in a moment of passion. They proceeded to act out a scene of taking the guy to the hospital. But really, they weren't going anywhere to seek medical attention. During the drive over, Eiji would inject the man with a large dosage of antihistamine that would ensure that the brute would stay asleep until they arrived at the desired location, and also would disorientate him enough for him to be a little off kilter. The side effects were favorable too, hypersensitivity was something to admire. Every little sound, every movement, every set of lighting, smells, taste, everything was intensified with the high dosage. TJ loved to watch someone flinch in discomfort or fear, and Eiji enjoyed the sense of predation on someone so inferior, reduced to nothing but their most primal, childish state.

"Aw that's not very nice sir." Eiji finally responds and pulls his chosen blade for the evening from the back of his pants, he had sharpened it to be able to cut through nearly anything easily. He had full intentions of testing it out on the different components of the human anatomy. The blade was flexible and fairly thin, but he knew that it would stand up pretty well with his precise cuts.

"Wh-what did I do to deserve this? I-it was h-him that bumped into me." The man sputters out, his fear growing with the calm and collected brunette beside him holding the blade in his hands.

"Hm? Oh. You know. Just like everyone, you did nothing to deserve to live... so not necessarily do you have to do something to deserve to die. Don't you think?" Eiji shrugs waving the knife off to the side. "TJ? Do you have a reason? You did say that you didn't like him."

"It's something about his face. You know when you just look at someone you just, there's just something...... I can't put my finger on it. But I hate his fucking face." TJ trails off trying to think of a reason himself, though not really having one; though this was normal.

"My friend thinks you're repulsive to look at. I don't disagree with this." Eiji chuckles out and shrugs unapologetically.

The man's eyes grow big at the blade and he glances to TJ sitting against the wall only a few meters away watching with cold lifeless eyes. Seemingly unfazed by Eiji's actions. He was more of an impact thrill seeker. Whereas Eiji preferred a slow torturous approach, that obviously involved thin pieces of metal. Eiji whistles and crooks a finger for him to look back to him. He flashes another smile and squints his eyes in a "cute" display waving the blade before his face in a way that would show his disapproval of the man's wandering leer.

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