Re-purposed Doormat

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There's something about dealing with people that tend to be completely oblivious to their surroundings. It was common, distractions were everywhere and everyone seemed to live inside of their own fantasies. An escape from the harsh reality that was actually present, there in front of them, like there was nothing else there. It was a way to cope with something that could be considered as displeasing. You could see it anywhere that you looked. People glued to their television screens, making their own statements on whatever was being displayed at the time, though not fully accepting that that was the world that they were living room. Having meaningless debates with each other over a topic that did nothing but cause ire for one another, that was their source of entertainment, because they sure weren't going to do anything about it. Conflict was something that was commonly sought, because it broke away from the norm of dealing with the same day on repeat. You were free to have your own opinions, your voice, and yet both were relinquished to the media platforms. What was presented was what you would formulate your reasoning around, the information provided to help shape your opinion, how you took it in was the other variable to the whole ordeal. And that had even been routine and controlled. Youth would be addicted to these social media apps, seeking that approval of their appearance or their standpoint though ignorantly portrayed. To have some power over anything, that seemed to be the constant state of human life. Wake up, tend to whatever tasks you may have, your responsibilities; school, work, family, friends, and to end the day without a care in the world. Because you had done all that you've ever done since accumulating cognitive thought. Whatever it was that you were outlined to do, that's what you did, and there wasn't much deviation, if there was it was thusly punished as wrong doing, Laws in place to dictate what was deemed as wrong and right, and if you encroached on these wrong doings, you were then considered as a criminal or defiant. Human nature calls for discord, excitement comes from these circumstances, whether you're involved or a bystander or even just an observing citizen. The contradiction was the fear to cross that line, you won't see a lot of civilians rushing to the aid of another, they tell themselves it's none of their business, that they shouldn't butt in, let the authorities handle it if it's something worth immediate attention. And sometimes they'll even be the ones to raise awareness and alert the authorities. But more often than not, they'll turn a blind eye to it and think nothing of it again. It was normal to see aggression, that was an animalistic trait. And humans are mammals after all, equipped with the means for predatory stances, and yet held back due to having a consciousness. So if you were to abandon that consciousness and appeal to your instinctual side, what would you have?

He could feel her stealing sideways glances at him, her timid nature present and yet she was willing to bear it for the sake of his company. That was something that seemed so ridiculous, so idiotic and clearly a bad decision on her part. But he found his amusement in that, she had no basis for being fearful, she was naturally always so. In this context it was laughable. She had willingly climbed into his property, sat beside him, and still was wary of him. She was simple to say the least, and for some time it had been entertaining. Though as time dragged on it was becoming rather boring and he was ready to ditch her and the whole plan.

Reiterating to himself that Eiji had suggested this, it wasn't just coincidence; Eiji had a reasoning for everything. And if the purpose was just for him to lighten up with an activity such as cat and mouse, he would accept that for what it was. He knew that Eiji had something planned though, the way his eyes would narrow with that typical smile of his, it was a sign. He knew something that TJ didn't, and a game always did entice TJ; so why fight against it. Something was changing, he could feel it.

"Teej? Are you alright? You've been really quiet?" Cyren asks suddenly, the silence in the car shattered by her song tone. He turns his head slightly towards her, his eyes flitting sideways for only a moment to indicate that he was acknowledging her though remaining focused on the road as he drove.

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