Upon Eden's Graces and Dexterity

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It was a feeling. A gut feeling to be exact. But it was stronger than usual, and maybe it was due to bias, or even paranoia, at this point it would seem to fit. He had seen the signs of trauma nearly spelled out on the back of anyone that has ever been abused. The signs were far and few between, a lot of actors were out there too. But this one started to read more clearly to him, as if it was something that they were ashamed of. That's usually the leading indicator that things weren't ok, that something was amiss, that it was genuine, and somehow believed it to be their fault. But he just couldn't shake it, how he had missed it before made him feel as if he were an idiot. But if he was wrong, that would just lead to more unanswered questions.


Closing his eyes he looked up at the surveillance camera in front of the door that lead into the home from the back entrance. The house was small and the blinds were always pulled, it was normal for this person in particular.

"Open the door Dexter." TJ grumbles looking up at the camera spitefully as he tests the handle, affirming that it was locked and only so moments before he walked up.

"Why do you have to be like that T." Dexter's voice was one of those that was obviously put on to throw someone off by how cartoonish it was, and also to entertain. He could hear the soft laughter of a female in the background that he already knew so well.

TJ doesn't falter in glaring up at the camera and simply slides his hands into his jeans pockets until he hears the door unlatch and swing ajar on its own. TJ immediately lets himself in and closes the door. He looks around at the obviously lived in den and scans across the two desks stationed near each other though absent of their keepers. Their computers whirring with their activity and the monitors alit with the recent use an obvious give away that the two were messing with him as they were prone to do whenever he showed up. Not that it was out of the regular, but they sincerely enjoyed their pranks and were always targeting him to get him to crack.

"Dex? Eden? I'm really in no mood for hide and seek right now..." TJ sighs in exasperation and pinches the bridge of his nose in between his index finger and thumb.

"Aww T. You're no fun when you're grumpy." A tall girl with pale skin, eyes like honey and softly waved bleached white hair to her collarbones pops out from around the corner wearing a feigned pout, a pair of grey sweatpants and a cropped black sweater pops out from around the corner leading into the main living room. She smiles the moment he looks to her and comes in for a hug that TJ tries not to rebuff due to their friendship.

"Aw what?! I wanna hug. Teeeeee-jayyyyy gimme a hug too." The next to pop out of the closet is a bespectacled male with his dark hair combed up and over to give him a sophisticated look, wearing a cowl necked maroon hoodie and skinny black jeans.

"Don't." TJ warns holding out his hand to stop Dexter from getting any closer. "You always do something weird, like hold on for too long or just...don't."

Dexter's shoulders droop with the rejection and he makes a face of despair before turning around and resuming a collected image of him as if the dramatic scene was over.

"Aww but TJ you want my love, I know you doooo." He coos in that cartoonish voice again trying to go for another hug to be held away at arm's length with TJ's hand to his chest.

"Eden..." TJ pleads sounding completely unimpressed by the theatrics and looks to the pale haired woman leaning back against her desk, just watching the show unfold before her.

She laughs and waves her hand in a soft flapping motion at Dexter for him to stop. He whines and drags his feet over to Eden to take a seat in her computer chair and pulling her down to sit on his lap, only to spin themselves around together in the swiveling chair. TJ groans and rolls his head back in his impatience with the hyperactive pair. Eden hushes Dexter and turns to look at TJ with a look of concern.

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