Dead Rat in the Mouse Trap

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The news of Dexter's disappearance was no surprise to him, he was the cause after all. But the text messages never ended, the missed calls reaching into the hundreds by now. More than enough police reports had been filed and yet Eden was relentless. She knew that from his phone records that he had last spoken with TJ. But TJ kept firm in his statement that Dexter had never shown up. Her persistence was becoming quite annoying, there were no eyewitnesses, none that could be tracked down. The city was already a busy place, though nobody reported anything out of place. And why would it? Everything was carried out as nothing more than a friendly encounter, and Dexter was nothing important, nothing of note, he was a dime a dozen. Nothing about him had ever stood out, besides his personality, and even that was missing from the scene. For all Eden knew, he up and left, but she pressed that it had something to do with Eiji. She wasn't wrong of course, but it didn't stop there.

TJ sighs out a heavy breath looking down at his phone's screen, flicking the end of his cigarette aside he turns and descends back into the bunker. Pocketing his phone after locking the screen he makes his way down the long corridor, the lights flickering overhead though none of his concern at the moment. He can hear the sobs already echoing weakly from their favorite room. He can smell the faint remnants of gasoline and something so cryptic that would make your skin pebble and the hairs stand on end. Though to them, It was a comfort, something that felt like home. Didn't have to answer to anyone here, didn't have to hide anything about themselves from the other or anyone else for that matter. Though their visitors would enter, they never left. Opening the heavy latch with a small groan of the metal giving way to grant him access to the brightly lighted room, TJ turns and closes the door behind him before looking to the scene playing out in the center. Eiji turns to look to TJ's entry, a knife in his gloved hand, the tip of the blade resting on his cheek in a lazy gesture. His eyes spoke volumes of his boredom with the victim at hand. They had spent too much time working on this project that there was only one thing left to do. His steely gray eyes bore holes into TJ, wanting to be rid of this nuisance any longer. A week of rehabilitation and getting nothing out of the pathetic excuse for a human being tied up and squirming on the floor was tedious, and warranted zero results. The lacerations across his face being the byproduct of TJ's anger, TJ rakes his fingers back through his hair, pushing it from his eyes and looking down at Dexter on the floor as he strides over. He kicks him in the shin as if he were testing to see if a piece of garbage on the floor had anything more to it than exactly as it appeared, only to see that it was just that, litter.

"Still?" Eiji asks whimsically circling around to the backside of Dexter as he was lying on his side with his hands tied behind his back, the zip ties around his wrist grating against his skin, causing the inflammation that was visibly noticeable. He bends to a crouch and prods the tip of his knife along Dexter's spine to toy with him, watching his back arch in a shallow attempt of being free from the sharpened metal.

Fear was heavily instilled to him, rendering him absolutely useless, though that wasn't much of a difference from his regular presence in their lives. But this reduced state was more than displeasing to see. He did nothing for himself, he didn't try to fight back, only that once and TJ had made sure that he knew exactly where he stood among the three of them. His position on the dirty floor was a perfect representation of that lesson that had to be hard learned.

"Of course. She's not going to give up until she finds some proof. If there was any to find." TJ shrugs and moves to place his foot on the side of Dexter's face, pushing his weight onto it slowly. Dexter groans out and tries to move his face away only to receive more pressure being applied. It was no surprise honestly, they hadn't bothered to supply him with nourishment other than some water and TJ had tossed him half of a sandwich once. If he had eaten it, TJ didn't know, it was almost a passing gesture, and he hadn't given it a second thought after that. Eiji had been the one to stay at the Bunker for the entirety of this. That was another thing that Eden had pressed, she couldn't reach Eiji, and it only made her more suspicious. Considering all that had happened, with the fight that had happened with Dexter and Eiji, she was sure that he was involved. Her intuition was very keen, though they both knew that something had to be done at this point.

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