Dream 11: "If I could be there"

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If I could be there with my beautiful Kendall, my precious little girl, if I could be there with you, if I could be at your side, I would give you a hug and I would never let you, I would dry your tears with the most sincere kiss of love

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If I could be there with my beautiful Kendall, my precious little girl, if I could be there with you, if I could be at your side, I would give you a hug and I would never let you, I would dry your tears with the most sincere kiss of love.

If I could be there with you my beautiful little princess, my beloved Kendall K, if I could be there with you, I would say to miss Abby "If you want to yell someone, yell me but don't yell at her, not anymore"

If I could be with my precious little girl, my beloved Kendall I would do anything for you, my beautiful girl, see you sad breaks my heart, your tears fall like icy drops on my warm heart.

If I could be with you in those difficult moments, I would protect you in my arms my precious little angel, I would give you all my love with all my heart, you are the love of my life, only you my beautiful Kendall, my princess.

Sweet little girl I would do anything to make you the happiest girl in the world, just you my beautiful Kendall K, love of my life.

My pretty little girl I love you with all my heart, I love you more than my own life, my beautiful girl, if I could be there with you, I would die for you if it's necessary, my beloved Kendall K.

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