Chapter 9

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"Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within." – Arthur Erickson

"Oh dear," I groaned, awkwardly re-adjusting my fleece pants. "Oops I farted. Ah....there it is. There it is! Ahhhh... I'm surprised I am not crapping myself."

The officer wrinkled in nose. "What can I do for your mam?"

If he was hoping to smell a little something, he's going to be disappointed. I pretend farted.

I'm such a freaken good actress.

"I need my boy, Raymond. I packed him a lunch made with so much love." I dangled a brown lunch baggy in front of the officer. Written on the front of the bag was 'My Baby Ray Ray."

I knew the officer caught glimpse of my little inscription on the front of the bag. He cocked an eyebrow then mumbled something into his shoulder radio. A code I've never heard when I was on patrol with Levi.

What the hell does 221 mean? Crazy Parental Unit On Deck, call the knitting club?

He looked back at me and gave a small smile, "He'll be right with you."

"That boy better hurry his special ass up," I whacked the desk again with my cane. "Mama's got shingles."

He looked at me from the corner of his eye, "Are you serious?" he mumbled almost incoherently. Luckily it was just Raymond and I walking down a quiet hallway, if someone was around to hear us, we'd be busted.

"Pretty realistic looking, right?" I smirked at him. I was pretty proud of all that I have done.

I've made it this far.

"Yea, pretty terrifying also," Ray explained. "My mom looks nothin' like that by the way..."

"Whatever," I huffed, "I needed somethin' to make me not look like myself." I was rockin' the permed grey hair, small apple sized nunganungas, flannel pants and oversized glasses.

I'm a fine as fuck, hot 59 year old woman.

"You could have thrown on a wig. You didn't have to go through all of 'this.'" Ray motioned to me from head to toe. My make-under would be well worth the time and effort It took to make this happen if all works out accordingly.

I needed to talk to one of the guys, get some facts and get out.

Raymond pulled out his keys and opened the gate. He pointed across the room to a guy sitting in a metal chair. "I sure hope this is the guy you're looking for."

It definitely was the guy from the pictures the Chief showed me. It was the one with the beard and red hair. "That's him."

Gone Too Soon (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now