Chapter 40

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"If you could hear me, I would say that our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touched." - Tyler Hawkins, Remember Me Movie

Earth 2's, Cassandra Clarke Brooks sent me to psychiatrist as soon as the sun came up the following day.

---At least this Cassandra recognized there was a problem and responsibly figured out I had to be seen.

There wasn't a problem though.

To her, she may hear me talk about my life before death and be concerned that its a figment of my imagination or that I have been spending too much time using marijuana----But it was real.

It happened.

No one could tell me otherwise.

One finger methodically rubbed his jaw as re-read his notes. I had already given Dr. Parker a mouthful of information. Dr. Parker was an older gentleman with short curly grey hair, black dress pants, white dress shirt and a red bow tie. He was a psychiatrist located in Wake Forest with a large clientele base. He had a 5 out of 5 review on the last time I checked.

Dr. Parker sat in a chair across from me, with a clipboard resting in his lap. He was flipping through various pages.

How much did my mother tell him?

"So Miss Brooks, why don't we start off talking about what brings you here to see me today."

He had my mother fill out paperwork prior to meeting with me detailing our family psychiatry history and family background. There was even a page dedicated to 'what brings you here'. Shouldn't he already have an answer to that question just by looking at her report?

He shouldn't be doing half his job, alright.

The paper he has details everything he ought to know. The man just has to use his eyes.

"Read the paperwork, my mother tells you why she forced me to be here."

"I have not yet heard your opinion on the matter, Miss Brooks. I'm more curious about what you think has brought you here."

I bit the inside of my mouth, battling over whether I would tell him the truth or not. It would be nice to tell him all about my prior life but what are the chances he'd actually believe what I had to say?

Is it worth my time to tell him?

----It would be nice to talk to someone about my life and Levi.

Maybe he believes in life after death.

"Your going to think I'm crazy, but I'm not."

"I don't think your crazy, Miss Brooks." His eyebrows raised. "I'm rather intrigued by your memories. I have done a study or two on reincarnation."

"---I'm not Judy from Arkansas, Dr. Parker," I said sarcastically.

"Then who are you," Dr. Parker prodded. "Tell me who you think you are."

I didn't like how he included the word 'think.' I don't think I am Maisie Brooks. I am Maisie Brooks.

I just don't know where I am exactly.

Gone Too Soon (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now