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Dan sat there watching the house for hours and when he was Jack; he knew he had to come strong because Jack is built like a Navy Seal with a strong physique and Dan knew he had to come strong if he was going against him.

"Hi Jack, I'm glad you are home and I was wondering if you would go with me to buy a car?"

"Sure we can make a night of it, because buying a car is not something you want to do quickly, you would want to take your time and find the right car. So we are all going and we can pick something up to eat on the way."

"Sure, Marlene we can get a bit to eat while you tell us exactly what you are looking for."

"Okay Betty, this sounds like fun." Marlene said as they all were headed out the door, when Marlene notices her son didn't have a jacket on. "Dan Jr., I know you are not trying to step outta here without something on your arms; you better get your jacket because we might be coming in late."

"Okay Mom,"

When they all got in Jack's car, Dan was sitting in his car on the corner watching everyone. And when they pulled off; Dan quench down so no one could seen him and no one saw Dan sitting in his car, they just drove by without looking their minds were solely on getting something to eat and getting Marlene a new car.

"Let's go to Burger King I want a whooper."

"Look at this little man, son what do you know about a whooper?"

"We eat at Burger King all the time."

"Okay, we can get a burger and then let's go and get this car."

"Well Marlene do you have a certain car in mind?"

"No, but I do want something that won't give me any trouble."

They pulled up at Burger King and Dan was right behind them. After they all got their sandwiches, they headed for a cheep car lot. Dan did not pull behind them he parked on the curb so he would not be seen.

"This looks like a pretty good car, let's try this one."

"No, I don't like blue, I want something red."

"Marlene when you don't have much money, you'll have to get what you can get."

"Okay what about this yellow one?"

"A yellow Dodge with a black strip alone the sides. Now that's a nice car. And the motor seems to be fine, so ask the dealer what he wants for it. "

It took all of the evening and half the night to work out a deal with the dealer, but Marlene left there with her new car and she still had money to do other things with like buying rimes for all four wheels.

Dan fell asleep and did not see them leave; he drove around the car lot several times, and when he found out that he just missed them, he knew he had to administer a plan before going up against Jack. Therefore making advances towards Marlene would have to wait until he was ready to make a conclusive plan for elimination.

"Marlene, how did you like driving your new car."

"Come on Jack you know this car is not new."

"Well it's new to you."

"In that case I love driving my new car." Marlene said as her and Betty jumped for joy.

"We better get some sleep we will have an early start tomorrow if I'm going to drive you to school and Betty and myself to work."

"Mom, can I stay up and watch television for a little while?"

"Just a little while, until I get ready for bed and then I need you to go to sleep, I don't want any trouble out of you in the morning."

THE STRAIN OF PASSIONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora