Memories: Kirito x Reader

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Y/N pov

Particles, my particles, but I don't want to die yet, I have so much I need to say, so many places I want to go, i'm not ready to die, but it's for the best, nobody will miss me, but I can't help but to wonder, will anyone miss me? Will he ever be able to know? I could send him a message before I die, yeah.....

Kirito pov

Where is she!? I can't find her! "Asuna! Have you found her yet!?" "No, i'll keep looking, but she's disappeared off the radar!" "Where was she last?" "Somewhere around the lake on the 22nd floor" "Ok i'm going!" I have to find her! I don't think I can live without her, not now, please tell me she's alright! Y/N!


"Y/N! Where are you!?" I'm running through the forest when I find her sword next to a message. "ASUNA!" "What is it?" "I found her sword and a message!" "Was she kidnapped!?" "I don't know, I haven't played the message" "WELL THEN PLAY IT BAKA!" she screams through the call. "OK! Just stop yelling!" I end the call and start the message, picking up Y/N's sword, I hear her soft voice, she seems as though she's just barely hanging on. "If anyone finds this message, please deliver it too Kirito, or better known as the Black Swordsman" she pauses coughing. "Kirito, I don't have much time left, but i'm dieing, I have been even before I got into the game, i'm so sorry" She coughs again crying. "I know that you don't feel the same way about me, but, Kirito, I love you, I don't think I could have asked for anything better, you made me feel important, like my life wasn't a waste, i'm sorry to leave you like this, and for not telling you sooner, please take my sword, and tell Asuna that I said goodbye, even though I know that I won't be missed, thank you for everything you've done for me Kirito" At this point i'm in tears, why does she think I don't feel the same way? She will be missed! By me, Asuna, and everyone else! "Goodbye Kirito, i'll miss you..." the message ends, I pick up her sword, and sit there on my knees crying, I don't know for how long but soon enough Asuna shows up. "Kirito! What happened!?" "Asuna, s-she's... she's..." I can't say it, I know I can't, it hurts, I loved her. "No... She can't be... this, this is just a prank right, right? She can't be... Dead..." Asuna starts to cry, and soon she's on the ground unable to control the tears falling, I hand her the message that Y/N left behind, and start walking, remembering all the times Y/N and I shared...


"U-um... excuse me?" A girl, about ½ an inch shorter than me says. "Yeah, what is it?" "U-um, well, uh..." she starts to stutter, becoming a bit red in the face. "Do you need something?" I ask, sitting down with the girl with a red hood. "U-um, could I, um.. J-join your group!" she says really fast, it takes me a bit to process what she says before I reply. "Yeah Sure!" I smile lightly at her, as too calm her down, then send a request to her, and she accepts, then moving on to talk with the girl with the red hood and she joins us as well.....


"Kirito! Look out!" Y/N yells at me, slashing with her sword, as one comes up behind me, I turn quickly and kill it just before it hits me. "Thanks, Y/N!" "U-uh, n-no problem!" even after working together for so long she still hasn't gotten over her stuttering issue, not that i'm complaining, it's cute, I smile lightly, as she walks up to the girl we saved, helping her up.....


"W-where...?" I say as I start to open my eyes. "Y-you're at m-my h-house..." Y/N says quietly, a light blush on her face, it's cute when she blushes, then again she's cute in general, her sparkling E/C eyes, her H/L H/C hair, her- wait what am I saying!? Well I mean, it's true, but she's my best friend, my partner, my- oh my... I have fallen for my best friend/partner... this is gonna be hard, but if she likes me back it'll all work out in the end, right?


"Kirito, are you alright?" Asuna asks, eyes red from crying so much. "No, i'm not Asuna, I- *sigh* I loved her, I loved Y/N, and now she's gone, I-i don't know if I can live without her Asuna" I say in a low voice, just above a whisper. "We were so close, so close to freedom, so close- and now, she's gone" "I know, bt we have to live on, to keep fighting, it's what she would want, for us to keep going, but not forget her" Right, I have to, It's not just about surviving the game anymore, it's about living, for Y/N.....

Y/N pov

"W-where am I" "IT WORKED! IT REALLY WORKED! MY LITTLE GIRL IS SAFE!" "Y/N! YOU'RE OK!" There's so many people shouting at me, crying, but... why? "What's going on?" I ask, my voice scratchy. "Y/N, due to your condition you had to be put onto a special medison, so that when the time came, we could bring you back to life with a jolt to your heart, and because you were already dead we could pull the helmet off your head with no damage being done to your brain." my heart raced, i'm not dead, i'm not dead! I'm alive! But what about Kirito?

"What about Kirito!? Is he ok!?" I start to panic. "Wheres Kazuto Kirigaya's room!? I need to see him!?" I struggle to get out of the bed. "Miss L/N please calm down, we will get you a wheelchair and deliver you to Mr Kirigaya's room write away" soon i'm brought to Kirito's room, he looks so peaceful. "Is he alive?" I ask silently. "Yes, however since a few minutes ago his heart race has increased, and his brainwaves show extreme depression, such as a loved one dying, do you know the possible cause for this?" the doctor asks. "We were best friends, partners on the battlefield, I never felt so alive, there was never a dull moment when I was with him, I would guess that the only possibility would be me, but, why?" I'm so confused, loved one? He only thought of me as a friend, right? But if he did like me like that... it all makes sense now, from when he first started to blush and stutter around me, to the last time we talked, we both liked each other. "Sir, I believe that my 'death' is the cause for it" "well then he'll be quite the happy boy when he wakes up correct Ms L/N?" "yeah, quite happy" I can't help the smile form on my face, Kirito, hang in there!


Kirito pov

We did it, the final boss has been killed. "Asuna, we did it" "Yeah, we did, I guess we'll get to see her again huh?" "Yes you will" the creator said from behind us, "You know, the voice you sometimes here kirito? That's Y/N, it the real world" "What? You mean she's..." "Alive? Yes, brought back to life with a jolt to the heart, the helmet didn't sense her brain waves, and she didn't die from an in game source, she's safe" he states calmly. "But, I, we are dead. We can't see her." What is he getting at. "Are you?" he starts to disappear, and suddenly everything's gone....

"Hey Kirito, or should I call you Kazuto? I don't know, kind of a silly question to ask now huh? I hope you're doing ok in their, I miss you, and I hope you still remember me... well, it's been about two years since we met, you me and Asuna, I remember how you two always fought, *giggles* just like an old married couple-" "We were not a old married couple" I say, flustrated, wait, is that... Y/N? "KIRITO! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Y/N crys out hugging me tightly, like if she let go i'd disappear. "Y/N, you're alive! You're really alive!" I start to cry, she's really alive, and she's just as beautiful as she was before she left the game. "Y/N, I- I love you too" I don't giver time to respond, and kiss her, she kisses back, deepening the kiss, as we both pull apart, she asks. "So you really do like me back then?" "Of course, I've loved you since floor 12" "It's good to have you back Kirito, or should I call you Kazuto?" "Whichever you prefer, U/N(Username)"


I hope you enjoyed! bye-bye!

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