Stars In The Night: Sting x Reader

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3rd Person POV.

On a hill out in the countryside there lies a girl, her passion burning brightly. As she stares up at the Stars that shine ever so brightly on this Moonless night, she thinks of someone, someone who she cannot hold but can dream of holding. In another universe that same someone is on the same hill, looking at the same bright Stars, thinking of her...


The blonde boy with the brightest blue eyes, and the willpower of a Dragon, a voice sweet as honey, and a story nobody else can begin to describe, when will I ever get over him? Will we ever meet each other? Who will answer my questions? Only time will tell, they say, it's impossible to love him, they tell me, but is it? How can I reach him when we're so far apart?

If I could have one wish would you grant it to me? "Heh... when did I get so cliche?" "I'm not sure but it's romantic to say the least" he's back again, the one I just can't seem to have. "Sting, so your back again huh?" "I guess I am" 4 years i've been 'Hallucinating' about him, trying to call him mine but... it's all just a fantasy. "How have you been the past few days that i've been gone?" "Well, not bad but, not good either" "oh? Well do share" "My friends are starting to worry about me, they're thinking of putting me in a mental hospital" "WHAT!?" "Yeah, they say that i'm hallucinating seeing you, I can't help but to wonder if it's true..." "IT'S NOT! WHAT WE HAVE IS NOT FAKE OR A SILLY HALLUCINATION! WHAT WE HAVE IS REAL! And will always be real, don't you ever think different..." As he lowers his voice he caresses my cheek softly. "Come with me..." he says softly. "What?" "I said come with me, to Fiore, we can live happily, together!" "But, it's impossible! We're lucky enough to be able to see each other now! And when the sun rises... i'll just disappear..." "We can try can't we?" "I guess we can..." "then on the full moon, we'll try... and you'll be with me..." he hugs me, the sun starting to rise in the distance, he slowly fades away. When he's completely gone I fall to my knees and cry, emotions flooding, happiness, fear, pain, only time will tell whether this plan of his will work or not...

Sting POV.

Alright, I got her to agree, now to get the potion from Porlyusica and she'll be here, she'll be able to stay here, with me, Y/N, just wait, we'll be together soon, and then nobody will be able to separate us...


Both POV.

Alright, let's see if this works!

Sting POV.

"Wow!" "It's pretty huh?" "Yeah! I never would have imagined that Fiore would look so beautiful!" "Here" "Hm?" "Drink it, Porlyusica made it so that you could stay here, with me!" "Really!?" a look of pure joy spreads across her face, and she drinks the potion, downing it easily. "So it's official?" "Yeah, I guess so!" We spent the rest of the night laughing talking and planning out our future together, and soon the sun started to rise, I turn to her, only to see her disappearing, blood coming from her chest, as she fades. "NO!" "Sting... good... bye..." she finally disappears and I sit there crying screaming out for her, the one girl I truly loved, and now, she's gone, dead even. I hear laughter of people around me, and someone shouting faintly, it gets louder and louder... I sit up in bed and scream, making S/N(Son's Name) scream as well. "D-dad? Are you... ok?" C/N asks. "Where's your Mo-" "Sting!? C/N!? What's wrong? What happened? Who died?" Y/N rapidly asks questions running over with D/N(Daughter's Name) following closely behind. I get up and run over to Y/N, bringing her into a tight embrace as I cry. "I-i thought, I thought you died! That you disappeared!" A look of realization crosses her face. "Sting..." she starts softly. "Hey i'm here now and have been for a long time now, I don't think i'll be disappearing anytime soon..." D/N and S/N run over to join the hug... later ruined by D/N's comment. "Daddy? Why are you naked?" "GOD DAMMIT!" they all start laughing as I run around the room frantically. "COME ON IT'S NOT FUNNY!"

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT SEEMS SO SAD AT FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;-;;



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