Explosives brought us together: Seamus Finnigan x Reader

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YN pov.

“Miss LN, I believe you know what you’ve done wrong?” Professor McGonagall asks. “Em… Sort of Professor, but I just don’t see the problem in accidentally blowing something up!” I reply putting emphasis on accidentally. “You need a tutor so that you can get the spell right, you and Mister Finnigan.” “Mister who now?” “She means me.” Someone says from behind me, I turn around and am met with the most vibrant blue eyes i’ve ever seen. “Sorry i’m late Professor McGonagall, Dean needed help with some Homework.” He says, then looks towards me. “Who are you?” He asks tilting his head to the side slightly. “Well who are you?” I reply back sassily. “I asked you first!” “Well I asked you second!” “Children enough! What are you 5?” McGonagall shouts at us. “Mister Finnigan, this is YN LN, Miss LN this is Seamus Finnigan, now can you both sit down and wait for your tutor to get here!” She says flustrated. We both sit down at an empty desk near the front of the classroom and make small talk. “So what are you here for YN” Seamus asks. “Ah well, I may or may not have blown up another potion in Professor Snape's class, you?” “I had managed to make another spell blow up.” “I guess we both have the same problem then. Huh?” “Yeah I guess so.” We talk and laugh, telling stories of what has happened to spells and potions that blew up, how our life has been, and so on, until he notices something. “Wait, what house are you in?” “Hm? Oh i’m in Slytherin, you?” “Ah, no! I’m Gryffindor, our houses hate each other!” “Well they can suck it!” “What?” “I said they can suck it, if they don’t approve of us being friends, so what? It’s not gonna stop us, is it?” I say sassily, he smiles nodding his head. “Yeah, your right! Who cares that we’re from different houses! We’re friends and they can’t do nothing about it!” He replied smiling. Suddenly a Ravenclaw struts into the classroom with a annoyed look on her face. Well this should be fun…

                                    ((((((((((((((TIMESKIP TO 4TH YEAR))))))))))))))))

Seamus pov.

Me and YN are sitting in the stands waiting for the contestants to come up with their ‘lost item’ she’s sitting there silently as we wait. “Do you think Harry’s alright?” I ask worried. “It’s Harry we’re talking about here, i’m sure he’s somehow caught his broom on fire but escaped the Dragon and is heading this way right now.” She replies looking in a specific direction. I turn to look but see nothing for a while until I spot something in the distance… It’s Harry! She was right! And his brooms on fire just like she said! She looks back at me with a smirk. “Told you so!” She says proudly. “What are you a psychic!?” I shout out above the roaring crowds. “Maybe!” She shouts back with enthusiasm. I smile and cheer with the rest of the crowd, later going to go celebrate Harry’s victory…


Me and the other Gryffindors just had dancing lessons with Professor McGonagall and I'm heading towards the Great Hall with YN. “So we had dancing lessons with McGonagall just now.” I state smirking. “We had dancing lessons with Snape.” She says flatly staring ahead. “Oh? Well how did that go?” “Well there was a lot of… you know.” She raises her arms up above her head and swings her hips a bit. “YAS CHILDREN!!!” Snape yells from behind us going into the same pose as YN. “FLOUNCE!!!!!!” He yells out and all the Slytherin around us start to do it as Snape runs away ‘Flouncing' I try it as well and find it quite enjoyable strangely enough. After we get to the Great Hall YN comes over to sit with me, strange usually she goes and sits with her Slytherin friends. After chatting a while and laughing she says something that surprises everyone around us. “Hey Seamus?” “Yeah YN?” “Well I was wondering if you would come to the Yule Ball with me.” Everyone turns to stare at her. After getting over my shock I reply “ Of course! I'd be glad to accompany a friend!” “Seamus…” “Yes?” “I ment as my date, not just as friends.” She says with full seriousness. “Oh! Uh… yeah sure!” “Thanks!” She smiles getting up, she kisses my cheek before walking away while saying “I'm glad you agreed!” She winks at me after saying that and all I can do is stare at her form as she walks away.

I'm glad.

She's glad.

She kissed my cheek.

My cheek has been kissed.

I smile for the rest of the night thinking about how the Yule Ball will go now that I'm going with my crush of 3 years…


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