So Easy: Genos x Reader

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YN pov.

“Genos where are we going?” I ask my loving Boyfriend. “I told you it’s a surprise, now be patient YN” He replies. Genos decided that it would be fun too take me on a date to a unknown location, the curiosity is killing me to the point of no return. Suddenly Genos covers my eyes. “Genos what are you doing?” “Leading you to the area for our date of course” “Alright?” I decide to go with it. After a little while longer Genos finally stops, I can’t hear any People or sources of civilization so my guess is that we’re in the forest, and it’s gotten a bit chillier so it’s definitely late. “Alright, are you ready?” He asks. “As i’ll ever be” I reply. Genos uncovers his hands and I am given a beautiful sight, We’re deep within the forest, and the sun has gone down, the soft grass softly swaying with the breeze, fireflies dance around us, and the moon shines down upon the lake in front of us. “Woah…” I’m at a loss for words. “Do you like it?” Genos asks, a bit of worry embedded in his voice. “Genos, this is beautiful! How did you find it?” I ask, amazed that such a place existed. “I had came across it while traveling with Sensei one day, we were heading towards the House of Evolution.” “Oh! Where you fought Carnage Kabuto, right?” “Yeah.” We spent the rest of the night talking and cuddling in the soft grass underneath the night sky, and after a while we had fallen asleep. In the morning I woke up to someone singing “You make it so easy to fall so hard” I walk towards the voice almost in a trance. I walk into a clearing to see Genos Singing ‘So Easy’ by Phillip Phillips I walk up and sit next to him, he wraps one arm around my waist still singing as I hum along watching the sun rise above the hills, the soft golden colors reaching across the sky. Once Genos stops singing I decide to speak up. “You have a beautiful voice” “Thank you YN, but my voice is nothing compared to yours” he leans over and kisses my cheek. “Thank you for coming with me on this date YN” “No, Thank you for the wonderful experience, it was like being in a fairy tale, I wish it didn't end so soon though…” “it doesn't half to YN” He pauses, getting on one knee and pulls out a little velvet box, popping it open to reveal a beautiful firey red stone put on a silver band, he asks “YN, will you marry me?” I let out a small gasp, instantly falling to my knees and hug him. “YES!” he slips the ring on my finger and we share a passionate kiss, happy to be by each other's side for the rest of our lives.

THE END!!! YES I FINALLY DID IT!!!!!!!!  YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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