Cold Cuddles: Jack Frost x Reader

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(A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! I sorta forgot about the book!)(A/N: P.S. Don't be mad about the crossoverness that I have put in here!!!)

3rd pov.

'It's going to be snowing hard for the next few days here in Paris and the roads won't be cleared for a while, I highly recommend that you stay in your homes if you don't want to catch a bad cold, or worse...' A white haired boy turns off the TV, looking outside to see the snow piling up in front of the home he's in. "Y/N! I don't think I'm gonna be able to go home!" he yells from the living room. "Oh really now? Jack, don't you control the snow?" Y/N yells back from the kitchen. "Yeah I do, but something's off... it's not me doing this, and i've been trying to make it calm down but I can't, it's like it has a mind of its own!" Jack gets up heading to the kitchen being greeted by the warm aroma of hot chocolate mixed with peppermint and a hint of cinnamon. "Wow, that smells amazing..." He trails off walking over to the H/C girl. "Yeah, it's a recipe I found in one of my old cookbooks. So Frost, if you can't get back, you'll have to stay here, right?" "Yes, you are correct." Jack says, eyeing her suspiciously. "So what are we going to do in the meantime then? It's not like we can go outside and build snowmen, and I don't exactly have anything fun to do other than read books or watch TV-" she's cut off by the lights powering off suddenly, and the room getting colder(I wonder what*insert troll face here*). "Jack, did you...?" She whispers looking around, there's nothing but a soft light coming from the window, but it's dull and feint from the snow and lack of sun. "No, I didn't do anything!" He says whisper shouting, the argue like this for a while before there's a scratching noise on the walls. "What was that?" Y/N asks, starting to panic. "Stay close to me." Jack reaches for his staff that he had left in the kitchen when he first arrived and starts to move forward. As the two grow closer to the scratching noise they see a shadow, seemingly floating. Y/N slightly gasps, reaching into her back pocket for her wand, she runs at the floating creature. Rounding the corner she's met face to face with a Dementor, she brings out her wand pointing it at the creature of sorrow and despair, shouting out "EXPECTO PATRONUM!!" A bright light appears out of the tip of her wand, scaring the dementor away and out of her home. The lights go back on and it gets warmer. "Y/N...? What was that?!" Jack asks, fear written all over his face. "Uh... well that was Magic, and the creature was a Dementor, oh! And i'm a Wizard, or Witch, whatever you prefer." Y/N announces, nervously looking towards Jack. "That was AMAZING! And your a Wizard? I didn't think they existed! Just some myth Sandy was telling us guardians! Oh my gosh! This is awesome!" Jack rambles, looking towards Y/N he realizes his mistake of rambling and stops, clearing his throat. "Uh, I mean, that was really cool what you did back there." He says, calmer this time. "Why thank you Jack! I appreciate it!" Y/N says, relieved he didn't take it badly. For the rest of the day they talked and laughed, sharing stories, and eventually they fell asleep on the couch, cuddling together on that very cold day. Unknown to them, Sandy and a sertaint Wizard by the name Albus was behind the storm all along...

Hope you enjoyed pumpkins!!!

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