A Sneak Peek: Red Forest Child

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YN pov.

'Run, come on legs! Run faster!' I think to myself as I run through the forest, Helicopters and Police cars chasing after me, I can hear the Dogs barking viciously. 'Come on! I have to get away!' I hear my heart pound in my chest and my legs start to burn from so much running. 'Their catching up!' The sirens are growing closer, Dogs getting louder, I see the Light from the Helicopters trying to find me. I reach a cliff, looking down there's a lake of water. 'Is it deep? Would I survive?' I hear growls. Slowly turning around I come face to face with Policemen and their K9's, The light off the Helicopter finally finds me and I start backing up, the Police start to move forward, telling me to stop. As I reach the edge I look towards the Policemen, finally deciding my possible final words I open my mouth. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE HOES!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can, then dabbing on the haters as I fall to my possible death. 'Oh my gods that was amazing!' My hair whips my face as I fall towards the water, gaining more and more speed, finally I get into a diving position, gracefully(not) going into the dark lake waters. 'Owie...' I cringe at the pain from diving wrong and start to swim for shore, until something grabs my ankle. Panicking I look down seeing a blonde boy with bright red eyes, I hear a voice in my head 'Help Me!' Ignoring his eyes I pull him up to the surface with me, gasping for air I start to head to shore, again, pulling the boy with me. Once we reach the solid ground I start running, pulling the blonde boy with me. "W-wait! Where are you taking me!?" He screeches. I ignore his comment and keep running, pulling him with me. "Look, the Police are after me, and I don't feel like getting put on Death Row today, alright?" He stares shocked, before gaining speed and dragging me in a random direction. "Woah! Hey! Now just where the HELL do you think your taking ME!?" I ask, thinking that he might be taking me to the police. "Well, I gotta help out the person who saved me from an eternal suffering in that stupid lake, besides, i'm always willing to help a fellow fugitive!" He says, mischief clear in his voice. I sigh, deciding to let him drag me to wherever he was dragging me to, 'Besides, if he's lying I can always kill him...'

*This commercial is brought to you by the 4 Slenderbro's and their new invention- Time Skip*

It seems like we've been running for hours, the moon is starting to lower from it's high peak in the sky, and the forrest seems to be getting darker and colder, I can smell a metallic scent in the air, and see what seems to be bones. 'The hell is going on here...?' I'm brought out of my thoughts when... the guy...? Yeah, the guy. When the guy slows down to a stop. I look up and see an Old Victorian Mansion, Faded black and blue paint, peeling off, what seems to be blood smeared and splattered across the old 'home'. "Here we are! You can stay with us for the time being... uhhh, what did you say your name was again?" The guy asks, turning around towards me. "I never did, and you didn't tell me YOUR name eather..." "Oh! Right, sorry, i'm BEN, and you are...?" "YN, or Bandit if you read the papers." "Huh, so your Bandit, well this just made my day! Maybe Slender will finally promote me or something like that!" "What are you talking about Bean sprout?" "I'm going to ignore the name calling, now come on! I need you to meet my boss! He'll explain everything to you! Now come on!" 'BEN' says excitedly, dragging me, AGAIN might I add, into the Mansion. Upon opening the door I hear some people greet BEN but him ignore them, rushing up Two flights of stairs and down a long hall towards a large set of double doors, not giving me any time to look around at anything or see the interior of the Mansion. BEN bursts through the doors at the end of the hall. "SLENDER!!!!! I FOUND HER BEFORE THE PROXIES!!!!!!!!" He screams at a faceless being, 'Slender' supposedly. He rubs his temples and 'speaks' "Oh? And are you sure that this is her?" He says through telepathy. "Yup! She was being chased by the cops and everything! Matches the description too! Hell she said it herself!" BEN says, nearly bouncing off the walls with excitement. "Well, go tell the proxies of your 'accomplishment' while I talk to 'Bandit'" 'Slender' 'says' to BEN. He runs off to find the 'Proxies' closing the doors behind him, leaving me with 'Slender'. "So you are Bandit, the notorious Serial Killer from New York City." He asks. "Yes that is me, now it's my turn, Why did you want to find me?" I ask, suspicious on his intentions. "I want you to join us, we are all Killers here, and I think you would be a great addition to our 'family' here, you would have a place to stay, food to eat, and you would have people to talk to, you would also have freedom over your life, well, to an extent." He explains. 'while his offer is nice and all... i'm not so sure about this whole, to an extent thing...' "The extent is you must check in at least once a month, and you can not kill any of the Mansion's inhabitants, that is all the extent is." 'Hmmm... good deal, no down sides really...' "It's a good deal, the place seems nice enough, the inhabitants of the place seem alright if i'm judging from that BEN kid and you... So i'll take you up on this deal of yours." "Great! We'll have a room set up for you in no time, while we get that fixed up why don't you head downstairs, most of the inhabitants should be down there." I nod, heading down two flights of stairs only to be knocked over as soon as I open the door, a boy with Brown tousled hair, orange goggles, and a mouth guard falls on top of me, laughter can be heard from behind him...

And that's the sneak peek you get! Now you wait for it to come out! Alright!?

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