My First and Last Kiss: Laxus x Reader

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---In the past back when Laxus was still a little kid---


It was a normal day in the small town of Magnolia, and the festival was being set up, Laxus and Makarov where walking down the streets happily, until they come across a young girl, by the name of Y/N.....


I was roughly pushed out of the house by father, as he whipped me continuously out in front of everyone, nobody bothered to help, after all my father was part of a dark guild, but I saw a young boy, about my age with messy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, he was standing next to an old man, the Master of the guild Fairy Tail, I looked away as I screamed out in pain from how harshly the whip hit me, over and over, again and again, till it suddenly stopped, I look back to see the old man protecting me. "How dare you hurt your own family, your own flesh and blood!" he knocked him out and the young boy ran over helping me up. "Are you alright miss!?" he asks worry clearly embedded in his soft voice. "I'm fine, he usually does this..." I wince at the pain when I get up, the young boy looks at me sadly as I strain to walk towards the house, the old man walks in front of me, blocking me from getting inside the house. "Now, now, you aren't going back in there anytime soon, i've contacted the magic council of your father's actions, you'll be staying with us for the time being, until we can get you a proper family" he says, a soft smile on his face as he sees the excitement and happiness practically radiate off me, that is till my vision gets blurry and everything starts spinning, I fall to my knees and soon everything goes black......

---In the present before they get stuck for 7 years on Tenrou Island---

*It's been so long since then, and now he's right in front of me, Ersa is giving me the go-confess-your-love-to-Laxus-before-he-disappears-again-and-I-kill-you look, and Natsu is getting mad at Laxus for some reason, well I guess this is my chance, I can do this* I start to walk over to Laxus and Natsu, a bit of nervousness and doubt surrounding my thoughts. Once i'm there Natsu immediately shuts up as I ask him to leave, he strangely complies as he gives Laxus one last look, kind of like the one Ersa is still giving me, (I need to tell you something) we both say at the same time, we laugh a bit, and then immediately shut up when the glares from Erza and Natsu intensify. (Um... you go first) he says nervously. "O-ok... s-so I... um... I really, ah..." I look back only to see Erza and Natsu in an argument. "IreallylikeyouLaxus!" I blush and look down, embarrassed, he smiles lightly. "I really-" suddenly he's cut off as the ground shakes....

{{{{Timeskip to when they all hold hands}}}}

As Laxus holds my hand he turns his head to look at me, I smile at him and say "I love you Laxus" he smiles back. "I love you too, Y/N" he leans in kissing me, and as I start to kiss back everything swirls, and it all goes black......

THE END! If requester I will do a part 2! Or if I feel up to it.....

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