Two is Better Than One: 10th Doctor x Reader PT. 1

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(The Image won't work for me ;-;)

3rd pov.

It's twilight, the night sky is hidden by grey clouds, softly the rain falls on the little girl's head as she silently cries alone on the park bench. She looks up sadly, 'I wonder if there's a doctor out there who can help...' she thinks looking back down to her lap, she had an umbrella, but she had it over her backpack. She had been waiting for her mom to come pick her up but... she never came, she had been sitting there for hours on end, she found a note in her backpack from her mom, saying she would never come to get her, but she still waited, silently hoping as tears flow freely from her face that someone, anyone could help her, and then she heard it, a strange whooshing sound coming from somewhere in the park. A strange man had come out from behind a tree, spotting the young girl, walking over to her he asks. "Why are you crying?"

10th Doctor's pov.

"I'm lonely,it's as simple as that, and it hurts." The young girl said, looking down smiling sadly. I parted ways with Donna and her family and was looking for somewhere new to go, when I saw a distress signal, it was immiting off the girl in front of me, and now I know why. "I'm lonely too." I say softly sitting on the bench next to the small girl, I see a crumpled up note on her lap. "May I see that note?" I ask pointing to it. "Yeah, it's from momma, I know because it's her handwriting." Her voice cracks slightly at mention of her mother and it seems that she started to cry a bit more. " I look at the note 'Y/N I know you're wondering where I am, i'm gone, and i'm never coming back, i'm leaving you alone, i'm not coming to pick you up and i'm not coming to get you ever again, goodbye.' "Well that's rubbish! Who would do such a thing! You know what, i'm taking you with me! I can teach you all about the universe and we can have crazy adventures together! How do you like the sound of that?" I say, looking towards the small girl beside me, she looks up smiling slightly, then starts frowning. "Are you sure you would want someone like me to travel with you?" she asks quietly, looking up towards the sky, rain softly pelting at her face. "Well of course! I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't want you to travel with me!" I smile at the young girl. "Oh! By the way, i'm The Doctor! And you are...?" "My name is Y/N, Doctor, and as much as I want to go with you... I can't." "And why not?" I ask a bit hurt. "I think i'm just a bit too young, but maybe when i'm older! Like... 12! Yeah!" She says thoughtfully, I nod understanding. "But where will you find me is the question? Or how will you know where I am?" I ask smirking slightly. "Uh..." she frowns trying to think. "Here i'll show you!" I take her hand and walk to the TARDIS. "You see that?" I ask pointing to the TARDIS. "Yeah! It's a Police Box!" She says excitedly. "That's the TARDIS, when you see her, knock on her door and i'll come out, if not, then wait there till I return, or write a note so that I know you're here, ok?" I say putting a hand on her shoulder. "Mhmm! I understand! So i'll see you when we meet again!" She smiles brightly, taking off back to her stuff. I turn to go into the TARDIS slightly disappointed and guilty, until I hear soft footsteps behind me, I turn around just in time to be hugged. "Thank you Doctor!-" I cut her off. "Please don't say goodbye, I don't like endings." I say, hugging her back. "It's never goodbye Doctor, it's more of a see you later..." She pulls out of the hug and runs back to her stuff. I go into the TARDIS, shutting her doors behind me. "Alright let's go see her again!" I say to the TARDIS pulling the lever heading a few years into her future...

Y/N pov. (10 years later - you're 20 now btw - )

'Just a nice walk in the park-' My thoughts were interrupted by a strange whooshing noise. 'Wait, is that!?' I run towards it, jumping over bushes and sprinting around trees, till I saw it. The TARDIS from all those years ago, I run to her and knock on the door repetitively. "Doctor! Are you there!?" I yell trying to see through the window. The door opens and I almost fall but The Doctor catches me. "Em... are you Y/N?" He asks, a look of confusion clear on his face. "Yeah! It's been 10 years, i'm 20 now, fresh out of college too!" I say standing up straight, he gets a look of surprise on his face, going to disappointment. "Well now how am I supposed to teach you about the universe!" He says both disappointed and frustrated. "I took Astronomy, along with a course on NASA, thought I might as well learn what I can now until I get to travel with you and learn even more! I also found an interest in Y/I(Your Interest) though, so I took a course or two on that as well!" I explain to him excited to see what trick's he's got up his sleeve. "Well I am impressed! But your not mad about me not coming sooner? Don't you have a family or friends here now?" He asks looking a bit sad. "Nope! They all thought I was crazy for believing that you were real, and told me to get my head out of the clouds, so I stopped being friends with them! Made new friends and the same thing would happen, so I stopped altogether! Who cares what other people think, if they aren't nice brush them off, they would try to hold me down anyways!" I say happily. I look behind him and see the inside of the TARDIS. "Whoa..." "She's a beauty isn't she?" The Doctor asks, stepping aside as I walk in, I spin around and walk towards the middle of the room. "So what do you think?" The Doctor asks, looking towards me. "She's Sexy!" I say, lightly touching the consol, it vibrates under my touch and I smile looking towards The Doctor, who stares at me surprised. "Well that's definitely new, you aren't gonna say something like, it's bigger on the inside or smaller on the outside, or something like that?" He questions curiously. "Well why would I say that? I speak the truth and the truth is that she's Sexy and there is no way you can change my opinion Doctor!" I say smiling, while defending my point. "No, no, i'm not trying to change your opinion Y/N, I agree with you in all honestly, i'm just surprised that you said that!" He says, exited that someone else finally understands him. "Well where do you want to go first?" He asks, smiling. "Hmmm... Oh! Are there any planets that are paradisiacal in a way?" I ask curious as to what there is. "Yes Planet Mul! Home to The Pearls I saved their race of Mül converter's once, they were very grateful! Off we go! Allons-Y!"........

Pt 2 coming soon!!!

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