04 | ❛ Nightclub Arrows ❜

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Killing is not the game I registered for ❜ 

❛ Killing is not the game I registered for ❜ 

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My name is Annabelle Carter. To my friends, I am the daughter who just returned home after being lost at sea five years ago. They don't know I came back with a mission to bring justice to our city... and they never can. The men and women Oliver Queen and I have targeted are dangerous, corrupt. A virulent cancer. Cancers like James Holder... whose corporation put defective smoke detectors in low-income housing in The Glades. There have been many fires and too many funerals. But cancers can be fought and conquered. All it takes is a surgeon... and the right instrument.

Anna glanced down at her leather journal, lightly closing the front cover to flatten against the old and worn paper. Her writing flowed beautifully across the stained material and her mind was immediately drawn to the island. The place where Anthony Ivo had given her a journal as a reward for her first kill. The place where she wrote everything she did in hopes of getting off the island one day with a story. A place where she no longer is and dreads to hear of. A place where she died and was reborn into a new person.

Drawing her eyes up from her closed diary, she stared ahead at the large mirror in front of her and stood up from her bed, letting her feet touch the hard ground. It was time for another journey. It was time to become someone else. Something else.


The purple-tipped arrow soared through the air with flawless acceleration and made impact with a cup in James Holder's hand, shattering the glass and cascading the ground with a booming sound. The man who once held the said glass looked up in fear and confusion, spotting a vigilante with a dark black hood standing in the shadows. "I have armed security inside. All I have to do is call out," Holder warned while staring at the mystery figure. 

"Go ahead," the figure suggested. "They can't hear you."

After her words, Anna dropped three guns onto the deck, watching contently as they lied useless on the ground. "What the hell do you want?" Holder asked, a slight shake in his voice. "How many people died in those fires?" Oliver demanded, jumping out from behind a generator and taking a stance beside the other. "How many?" he shouted again.

"The courts say you don't 'owe your victims anything.' I disagree."

"James Holder, you--" A gunshot pierced the air and cut Anna off. A bullet whisked past her ear and engraved itself into James Holder who was now dead, his body floating in the once crystal blue water of his pool. Oliver shoved Anna out of the way and to protection while drawing his arrows and firing at the first thing he saw, then ducking next to Anna. 

He crouched down, looking at his upper arm that was beginning to soak with fresh blood. "Hey," Oliver whispered, placing a hand on Anna's shoulder. She winced and pulled back, a hiss leaving her lips as she saw her own arm. The bullet that hit Rasmus barely skimmed her arm, but so enough that she would need stitches. Oliver saw the wound and glanced back at the pool before lowering his head in shame.

Rushing Arrows | Oliver QueenWhere stories live. Discover now