15 | Looks A Lot Like Christmas

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After Anna's revelation that she was taking over the Carter Provision, her business career had taken off. Byt the time she had gotten home that evening, she had phone call after phone call awaiting her and her assistant struggled to keep her informed. However, now that she was home in Starling City after being away in Central City for a conference for a week, she was glad to be sitting in her office with her pictures of her friends and family resting on her desk smiling back at her.

Anna sighed as she looked at a letter that Malcolm Merlyn had sent her and she struggled to read through the whole thing. He was wishing her the best with her new role as CEO of perhaps the largest organization that protected the Glades and all its residents but for some reason the entire letter seemed ironic. She had this sinking feeling that everything in the letter was false and all lies.

The girl was so focused on the letter that she hardly heard her cell phone ringing in front of her, but at the last minute she was able to answer the call and place the letter on the large stack of papers at the corner of her desk. "Hey, surprised I got you," the person on the other end spoke making Anna chuckle sarcastically. "It's certainly been a long week. What's up?"

"Just checking in, how was the conference?"

Anna shrugged and glanced up at a picture of her and Oliver that was sitting on her desk. "Relatively boring. Everyone just wanted to know what my plan is for the city," she honestly replied. The person on the other end laughed, "What did you think they wanted to know?"

Anna smiled, "Good question, Ollie."

"Seriously, what did you tell them?"

"I told them that I have a team of one hundred volunteers going out in two weeks to repair the old bridge on Hart Street. After that they're distributing blankets around the city, sort of a New Years gift."

"Don't stress yourself out, Bella."

Anna rolled her eyes, "I'm fine, Ollie. And you know, I should probably go so I can finish all this paperwork within the hour."

"Stay safe."

"I will."

"I lo - See you soon."

The call ended abruptly and Anna slowly placed her cellphone down on her desk. Her heart fluttered at the thought of Oliver saying 'I love you' since it had been weeks since she heard it last, but she knew she needed the time away from their relationship and that this split was for the best. She couldn't keep concentrating on what they had in order to focus on what they could.

Anna considered calling him back as her fingers hovered over her screen, but her assistant walked into her office and she immediately shoved her phone away in her drawer before looking up at the boy as he slid into a chair across from her desk. "What is it?" she asked as she looked back down to focus on her paperwork. "Don't you just love the evening? I for one love staying after hours. My office is so great, isn't it great? We're like office buddies."

Anna chuckled, "Your office is right next to mine, Jordan. I can see that you were playing Coolmath on your computer a few minutes ago." Jordan looked at his lap and scratched the back of his head, "Oh, you saw that?"

"Mhm," Anna mumbled as she signed a paper and moved it to the completed pile. "Well, you know, that's uh, well, moving on! How was the chat with the boyfriend?"

Anna glanced up at him, 'We're on a break," she simply stated. "Like Ross and Rachel?"

"It's complicated."

"Oh, okay. He's pretty cool, though. He complimented my jacket," Jordan smiled while popping the collar on his suit jacket. He recalled the memories of meeting Oliver two weeks back where the older man gave a simple nod to the assistant's outfit choice before turning to have a conversation with Anna. It was safe to say the boy was a little awestruck. "He doesn't scare you?" Anna questioned, knowing Oliver Queen was very scary to a lot of people.

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