09 | ❛ Damaged and Wounded ❜

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  ❛ Please make it stop ❜ 

She stared at the notebook in her hands, tracing her finger lightly over the writing that seemed to haunt her every day

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She stared at the notebook in her hands, tracing her finger lightly over the writing that seemed to haunt her every day. Yet, she couldn't stop herself from opening the book and remembering everything so vividly. She thought she deserved it. She had given people hell, she had done horrible things, maybe she deserved to suffer from the never-ending nightmares. What did she honestly have to live for anymore? Oliver had been arrested for being a vigilante, and it was only a matter of time till they came after her, too. They would be fools to not catch on. Or at least that's what she thought as she read over her recent journal entry toward the back of the book. 

Her eyes skimmed over the words, the truth: My name is Annabelle Carter. For five years I was stranded on an island with only one goal, survive. Now I will fulfill a wish, a wish that Robert Queen gave to his son after the crash. I'll use the list of names he left us and bring down those who are poisoning my city. But to do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

Just reading the words made Anna's heart race in anticipation. Everything was changing now. Maybe she suspected that, sure. But she didn't expect it to change so quickly. People had moved on, times had changed, things had evolved. Starling wasn't the same. 

Anna sighed and closed her journal before lifting the corner of the mattress and sliding it underneath. The notebook was thick, and the bed raised a bit once it was put in place, but it was the best hiding spot she could muster. If anyone found the book, they would know everything, and they would realize it had all been lies since their return. 

The girl stood up straight and fixed the duvet before turning around just as her door opened. Moira stood in the doorway and gave her goddaughter a faint smile before holding out her hand for Anna to take. The girl accepted and together they silently walked downstairs. "We must get to the precinct before they do anything to poor Oliver," Moira said to Walter as they approached the man at the door. He nodded in agreement and took her elbow while Thea ran behind Anna. "Do you think he really did all that stuff?" Thea whispered to Anna as they walked hurriedly behind the couple before them. Anna linked her arm inside Thea's and shook her head, "He would never. He is not that person."

Thea's eyes lingered on the woman for a moment and tried to think of the scars she saw on Oliver a few weeks back. The teenager was being left out of information that she would have liked to know, but she couldn't ask any more questions because with her mom and step-dad in the car, they were already on their way to the police station.

It was a long car ride, no words were exchanged and none needed to be, but as soon as the group stepped out of the car, the questions began to be shouted from the news reporters along the stairs leading to the station. Questions about the island, the arrest, the company Anna was supposed to be running, the Queen name, everything, really. Diggle did the best he could to push the cameramen away so the family could get inside, yet as a cameraman moved to take a picture of Annabelle, his equipment struck her in the side and she let out a yelp before latching onto Diggle's arm. Now, Moira had told him about her ulcer problems and to watch out for her, and as he saw her clutching her side, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and quickly got her into the station where he then placed two hands on her shoulders, "Hey, look at me," he said, making the girl breathe deep and stare into his eyes. "Are you alright?"

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