08 | ❛ Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire ❜

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 ❛ It's not over 

Sitting on her bed and flipping through her journal filled with ever last thought from the island and later, Annabelle worried about Oliver and his last charade

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Sitting on her bed and flipping through her journal filled with ever last thought from the island and later, Annabelle worried about Oliver and his last charade. Ever since he had boldly slipped away at Big Belly Burger, he hadn't made any contact with her, and that concerned her more than usual because Rob was not amused when he had to drive Annabelle home and slip into the night to find his other client.

Anna had gotten out of going to interrogate Matt Istook by complaining of a large headache to her boyfriend and instantly he made her stay back and collect more research. At any given time she would normally be clicking through link after link and article after article, but instead, she was staring at the words scribbled on the worn pages of her journal. She was reminded of the hell she was forced to call 'home' for years. No matter how much it pained her to remember the island, she was addicted to staring at her cries of mercy. She persuaded herself life would be better, but yet her words contradicted her own thoughts.

Anna's finger grazed over a memory, one of the first few she had recorded. She observed the simple words that were filled with so much pain, so much hate and anger. And she was immediately pulled back into the time it was written, she felt everything, every emotion, every sense, every feeling. 

"I heard them talking today," Anna whispered, her fingers working to gently break a piece of bread apart. The blonde sitting across from her on the floor looked up, her eyes meeting Anna's. "What'd they say? Any closer to the cure?" she wondered, raising an eyebrow and taking a bite of the 'meal' they had been given. Anna scoffed and shook her head, pulling her knees to her chest for extra warmth, "No, not the soldiers, not Ivo," she replied, looking down at her hands that fumbled with her food.

"I heard the prisoners," she bluntly stated, making Sara's eyes go wide. The younger girl transitioned her body so she was sitting up straight and she slightly leaned forward in anticipation, "Ivo told us not to talk with them, he told us to stay away fr--"

"They are not rabid, Sara," Anna interrupted, eyeing her companion with slight judgment, "They are humans in a seemingly horrible situation, and they are confused, mortified even," she objected. "If you believe that so strongly then why did you agree to support this cause?" Sara questioned.

"Everything you see me do from this point forward, everything I say, just know, I am doing it for you. We are going to survive, and we will see our parents once more, Starling City will be there, just how we left it. This is for us," she responded, watching as Sara's eyes softened and she nodded slowly, chewing the last bit of her bread.

"What did you hear them say?" she asked her friend. With a simple sigh and letting her head fall back against the concrete wall, Anna pursed her lips in thought. "Shengcun."

Anna's eyes snapped open and darted to the book resting in her lap. In a single motion, she slammed the covers closed and took a deep breath, the effects of the memory still roaming her mind. She stared absentmindedly at the covers beneath her for a moment to let the details sink in. The word that she had heard from Anatoly slipped off her lips and it brought about a small smile, "Shengcun," she muttered.

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