06 | ❛ Dead - Freaking - Shot ❜

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❛ Just promise you'll be careful 

Feeling nothing but anxiety, stress, and heat, Annabelle paced back and forth in her room, listening to the fading screams of Sara in the back of her mind

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Feeling nothing but anxiety, stress, and heat, Annabelle paced back and forth in her room, listening to the fading screams of Sara in the back of her mind. Her hands were trembling and her breaths were short and rapid, but she continued to walk in a line across her room. She found it eased her thoughts when she couldn't sleep, and this was one of the many times where she stayed up late in concern. 

With the new information on Deadshot, Oliver planned to leave the next morning to see what exactly they were dealing with, and he thought that the organized plan would ease Anna's mind, but in reality, it only created more problems.

While a breeze from the fan swept over her body, Anna but her bottom lip and thought now about what Thea had said. Her parents disowned her. They threw away her belongings and anything that resembled her only three days after her disappearance. She could hear her father scolding her mother for mentioning her name. She could see her mother throw her only child's baby blanket into the trash. She could hear the quiet sobs that echoed off the empty, silent mansion walls at night. She felt everything, and she wasn't even there to experience it. 

Anna was so wrapped in her thoughts that she didn't hear her door open and close. She didn't see Oliver wander it, watching his girlfriend move back and forth with a blank expression on her face. He looked at her lower back below her sports bra and saw the dozens of scars that littered her. He knew what she was thinking, and he couldn't stop it.

He couldn't prevent the pain in Anna's abdomen that was really an ulcer. He couldn't make her tell him that she was worrying herself sick just like the doctor told Moira could happen. But he could try to ease her stress and relax her before she brought herself to that low.

So he approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder that made her snap out of her thoughts and stare at him. She glanced around the room, wondering when he got there, but his eyes were staring into her's. "Anna, relax," he told her, one hand trailing down her arm and sending shivers down Anna's spine.

"I'm fine, Ollie. I promise," she admitted, a small smile forming on her lips as she tried to tell such a simple lie. She couldn't tell if Oliver believed it or not, he hadn't said anything to prove otherwise. Instead, he walked behind her and moved his hands against her shoulders to at least try and rid the knot that was so evidently there. "You're tense," he whispered, placing a soft kiss the back of her neck. 

Anna sighed, "I'm always tense."

Oliver's low chuckle flooded the room and it instantly relaxed the brunette. Her shoulders dropped and her head tilted back, making Oliver satisfied that something so simple as a laugh could make a girl so damaged feel better. 

Like a miracle, all of Anna's dark thoughts and troubling issues fled from her head and she took Oliver's hand, guiding him across the room to where her bed laid untouched. A smirk grew on the billionaire heir's face and he pushed his girlfriend down onto the bed, then crawling over her.

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