21 | She Needed the Help

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The world was forever changed

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The world was forever changed. Oliver had devoted his vigilante days to tracking down the Count in order to find the love of his life. However, it had taken him longer to do so then he thought. Ever since the day he and Diggle watched Annabelle Carter scream for mercy in an empty warehouse as the Count injected drugs into her bloodstream, neither man had been able to sleep. When Oliver closed his eyes, he heard the scream echo against the walls of his brain. He awoke out of breath and always trashed against his cover to hopefully see Anna laying peacefully next to him. Unfortunately, he was always alone.

It had taken two weeks to finally take down the Count and with anger boiling in his skin, he gave the man a taste of his own medicine and injected everything he had in the vile in his hands into the squirming man before him. He still didn't know where Annabelle was and with the police rushing into the room, he couldn't demand an answer. 

The police did not even know the girl was missing. Nor did the entirety of the Queen family, or the Carter Provision. Jordan had been informed by Oliver Queen himself to tell the firm that Anna's meeting had run a bit longer and had to stay in Central City for an unveiling as the particle accelerator was continuing to go through test runs for its release in the coming two years. No one had questioned why her meeting ran long because she was a businesswoman and business comes first.

But Oliver Queen was lonely.

Diggle and Oliver had spent endless hours in the basement of the unfinished club researching all warehouses - active and abandoned - in Starling City. They had lost hope that they would find the girl before she eventually died since the Count was not there to treat his prisoner. They needed help.

It was a rainy Thursday morning when Oliver tugged on his suit jacket in despair and exited the car Diggle was driving in front of Queen Consolidated. He ignored the incoming and exiting employees of his business and instead walked straight into the elevator of the large tower. Diggle promised to wait in the car as Oliver had a conversation with an employee so Oliver continued to the floor below the lobby and sighed as he stepped out of the elevator.

The floor was cold, but not just in temperature. There was little life on the I.T. floor as everyone clicked away on their computers and did not even look up to glance at the man entering. He wandered to an office where surprisingly the door was closed, and after staring at the name on the plate outside of the door, he raised his hand and knocked. 

He heard a gentle 'Come in' and he entered hesitantly. The blonde behind the desk looked up as he entered and she immediately stood, "Mr. Queen, I-I didn't think I would be seeing you in my office so soon," she muttered. He pointed to the door and still looked at her, "Why is this closed?"

She blinked twice, "Uh, everyone keeps coming in today to talk to me and I have a deadline for - "

"I'll extend your deadline," he interrupted as he stepped closer to her desk. "I don't think you can do that," she said in a soft voice. "I can," he shortly replied. "I need your help."

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