3 {Ameliorate}

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Broken furniture lay strewn across the compound with tapestries torn. It was a magical storm that had run through. Freya was trying to make sense of how someone could have so much power.

"Well that could've gone better, brother," Freya piped up as she starting clearing the debris. 

Elijah, Klaus and Kol were in the center of the manor with Klaus looking even more deadly than usual. He was pacing about the room while Kol sat in a leather chair with his hands on his knees and Elijah held a stance of power, ready to reign in his younger brothers.

"How is she that powerful? How have we not encountered her before?" Klaus wonder aloud.

"Mikael must've kept her hidden all these years as a way to not only surprise us but also manipulate her to see us the abominations he thinks we truly are. The better question to be asking is do we need to see her as a threat or someone we can manipulate as well?"

"What do you mean, brother?" Freya had tidied up the remnants  of the small showdown and joined her brothers in their discussion.

"I say we just rip her heart out and then with our dear father vulnerable, stake him and call it a well-deserved victory," Klaus enthused.

"Of course, Niklaus. Always very practical and un-original. We can't just simply kill the girl before we at least try to see her hand. She could become a great asset to us."

"Why are you so sure she will easily turn on our father?" 

"You did," Klaus tutted.

Freya had her share of love for her brothers and her father. She had seen her father's cruelty towards them and that did make her love for him diminish, but she understood why this woman might still want to help her father even after all the cruelty he has shown her and all that he has taken from her. Freya too had loved him even after all she knew he had done.  Maybe her father had treated Edith as somewhat of a father too. 

This thought made Freya slightly jealous that as she lay frozen in time, another stranger was stealing her role as coveted daughter. She shook her head, "maybe Klaus is right and we should just dispose of her."

"There we go, thank you, dear sister. I knew I always liked you best."

Elijah sighed at his murderous siblings and tried to reason with them that death is not always so resolute. Case in point, their own parents. Edith Anne was more powerful and he believed with the Harvest approaching, she could become even more so. They best try to assess where she stands and where her true motives lie before jumping to conclusions too quickly.

Klaus countered that if they wait too long to see where her true conscience lies, they could all be dead. Hayley and Hope would be dead, he emphasizes to Elijah hoping to dissuade his noble brother from this dribble of saving Edith Anne.

Kol was becoming more heated the more they plotted what to do with her. He suddenly stood up and decided he needed some fresh air.

Rebekah soon entered with Hayley and Marcel in tow and scolded him for his rude exit but with her arms full of party decorations, she had no time to teach him manners. She looked tho the remaining troops in the room.

"Come on, then. We have a manor to decorate."

Kol was looking through countless treasures glittering in the stalls. He was looking for something, as well as waiting for someone. He was also glad to be out of the reign of terror Beks had probably been waging in order to prepare for Hope's big party.

"I thought there was a ban on Mikaelsons."

He could feel her before she spoke but somehow that didn't stop him from being surprised she spoke so openly to him.

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