6 {A Beautiful Crime}

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Pink tinged the sky as the howling died down in the bayou. The Harvest was over and the protection circle was no longer activated. They all awoke with a new sense of fear as they knew what needed to be done, they just needed a plan first. They needed a good one.

The Mikaelson siblings returned to their manor and as they gathered around the dining table to begin making plans, Kol silently left to his room.

Klaus was about to make a remark, but Elijah put his hand on Klaus's shoulder and whispered leave him. They had work to do. 

The main problem Freya reminded them all is that Edie is much more powerful now. She has the Harvest power along with Esther and Dahlia's magic. She is a ticking time bomb that needs to be treated as such. They can't just kill her but they need to dissipate her magic somehow to stop Mikael.

Elijah asks Freya if she could preform the magic necessary but Freya denies claiming there is no spell for this because sadly Mikael could still access the magic even if she were dead, but death with consecration was the only way to separate a witch from her magic. Unless they were to bind her to something else... She suggests requesting a favor from Vincent, maybe the high witch could help.

Kol came tumbling down the stairs quickly and phased straight to Rebekah.

"Where is it?"

"Kol, I don't know what you're on about but I can assure you I didn't-"

"Did you move a grimoire in my study?"

Rebekah's face turned pale and she looked to siblings with guilt. She explained that Edie had taken a grimoire during her visit, but she had completely forgotten about it with the talk of herbs and their father. Maybe Edie was really distracting Rebekah with kindness to leave with the grimoire.

"Why is that bloody grimoire so important, Kol?"

"It contains some of mother's darkest spells, Nik... Including a spell to make magical replicas."

"Why is that so dangerous?"

"You don't understand. The replica will be like a carbon copy. Exactly the same in every way like a clone."

"So, are you telling me that I let that bloody witch leave here with a spell that can make enough white oak stakes to kill the lot of us?"

Rebekah was horrified with this realization and then Hope appeared at the top of the stairs. Hayley hushed them all and said that until they can figure out a clear plan with this new information, they were to keep quiet while Hope was here.

Kol grabbed his jacket and then marched towards the front door.

"Where are you going, brother?"

"On a witch hunt."

Kol was phasing all over town but there was no sign of her. He was getting angrier as time went on and then he smelled the hazelnut coffee and knew exactly where we was.

She was leaning against an unmarked grave, sipping her coffee and trying to think of anything else.

"Odd place for a witch to be, but they do say criminals always revisit the crime scene. You must want to relive the moment you stole the power from four helpless girls."

She remained silent. She didn't want to talk with him when he was cross. She knew he had every reason to be considering she almost killed him and his family, but in this moment she just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up.

"Playing hard to get won't work this time, Edie darling. Why did you take it?"

"Please don't," she whispered and took a sharp intake as the wound from the hot poker still stung greatly.

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