4.A new day. A new adventure.

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Clary's POV

I wake up and roll out of bed with a huge smile pasted onto my face because I finally got a good night's sleep after a long time even though I went to bed really late.


I am about to walk to class when I see a note on my bed. I walk close to it and pick it up, quite baffled. It says in a neat handwriting,
You will pay for your sins.
I quickly shove it in my pocket and continue walking. All the way to class, I keep thinking about that note. Who sent it? Why? Questions keep swirling around in my head. Though I have no answers to them. My throat constricts with fear, when I think about how they will make me 'pay'. Finally I shrug it off as a prank, to calm my restless mind.

First I have a class on magic and Vanessa has fitness. So I walk to the back and take a seat. After a few minutes a new teacher enters, he has black hair with glitter and is wearing a black suit with sequins on its left. After a second the realization strikes me. This is Magnus Bane!

Magnus keeps droning on and on about types of pentagrams and spells, but I don't focus much because I keep thinking about the note. Who could have sent it? Why did they send it? What sins are they talking about? How will they make me pay?

I can't focus on anything the whole day and at lunch Vanessa asks me, "Is something wrong Clary, you seem completely lost?" I look at her and see real concern in her blue eyes. I just shake my head and say, "No just thinking about when school will start becoming interesting". She giggles at that and then proceeds, "I need to tell you something." That shakes me out of the thoughts of the note and I carefully listen.

She looks really shy and there is a light blush on her cheeks. She says "You can't tell anyone about this okay?" I nod, exaggeratedly and put my head in my hands. I lean forward and look at her, completely focused.
"So I have a crush on Jace," I was so shocked that I didn't say anything. She thought I didn't know who Jace was, so she continued "That blonde boy with golden eyes, perfectly tanned skin and fully muscular."

I wipe the shock from my face and say, "Oh that guy." The bell rings and she repeats "You can't tell anyone, especially not Jace, promise?" "Promise," I respond and get up to go to class. The rest of my day is completely normal and boring, so I will spare you the details.

I try to sleep at night, but sleep remains far out of my reach. I then hear a knock on my window. So, I pick up my seraph blade and open it cautiously. I notice that I am gripping the blade so tightly that my knuckles are white. I loosen my hold on the blade and look outside again.

I see nothing and no one, but suddenly there is a silhouette and I name the blade Michael and start swinging it blindly. It barely scratches the person, but they give me a cut on my hand which drips some blood onto the bed. Then they put a cloth on my nose. I breathe in a funny smell.

After that you can guess what happened. As usual I blacked out.

Vanessa's POV

I was sleeping peacefully, but then I hear some noise from near the window which in next to Clary's bed. I open my eyes slowly and rub my eyes, groggily. I look towards Clary's bed and find her missing. That wakes me up completely. I get up, and walk to the washroom. I look inside and see if Clary is here. She is not here!

I start panicking and run over to Clary's bed. I see that the window is open. She never leaves the window open. I look out of the window but everything is completely normal. I search for clues on the bed and I see a blot of red. Blood! I run down the corridor to the headmistress's room and knock on the door. She doesn't answer, so I just enter. There is no one here. She must be in her sleeping quarters, obviously, why would she be at her office in the middle of the night. I mentally whack myself for my stupidity. I have no idea where her sleeping quarters are.

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