30.Love- lost and found

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Jace's POV

My eyes open to the warm sunlight filtering through the slightly open curtains and my skin tingles when a cool breeze rustles the air. My eyes slowly adjust to the light and I stretch and get off the bed, sighing happily. I just have a feeling that today will be a good day because usually mornings tend to decide the outcome of the day. And today the weather is good meaning the day will be good.

Another added advantage to mornings is that I get to gaze freely at Clary's sleeping form beside me. Call me a creep, but she's just so striking and beautiful. Her high sharp cheek bones and bright fiery hair, and on top of that she looks so calm and serene when she's asleep. I say that because when she opens those beautiful emerald eyes, I always notice that they're clouded with sadness and I think...loneliness.

Every time I see that, I just want to wrap my arms around her and comfort her in the best way I can, but I can't. I can't because she said she needed space and time to get over her previous relationship and I'll give her that. Anyway we're getting off topic.

I shake my head free of thoughts and I turn to look at Clary. Only, she's not here. What? Where could she be? She isn't an early riser and she's so not a morning person. I should know since I've had to endure her throwing pillows at me and her frustrated groans and once she almost... Ugh getting off topic again. Oh God, this always happens to me when I think about her.

Anyway, I should probably check the house, just in case. I dash to the kitchen and peep my head in. I am welcomed by the sweet whiff of waffles and blueberries and the sight of Aurora smiling and offering me some, but no sign of Clary. I politely decline the offer and wander to the other parts of the house. There isn't too many places to look and once I check them all, not finding Clary I feel a pit of dread in my stomach.

Why did I have to call it a good morning and jinx it? I check the garden to see if she's sitting there, but I don't see her. Even the cool refreshing air, sweet scent of flowers and beautiful sight of the soft sunlight making everything gleam like gold doesn't make me feel better because I can't find that one redhead who's managed to weasel her way into my head and built a permanent place there.

But I do notice something else, something that doesn't make me feel too much better. Struggle marks. I see huge footprints that has to belong to a man and some drag marks. I finally come to the conclusion that today is a terrible morning. Oh, and also that Clary got kidnapped.

That suddenly sends my mind into a frenzy. Why did she have to venture out of the gate, if she hadn't she wouldn't be kidnapped because Aurora has wards around the gate. I feel a wave of terror wash over me with the thoughts that my mind conjures up. What if those warlocks start controlling her and turn her into one of those mindless creatures? What if they hurt her? What if they kill her? My insides are gripped with a fear that I have never felt before. I try to push that thought away and somehow control my whirling emotions, but my pessimistic mind just doesn't let go of that final thought.

I can't even think clearly and the sudden urge to break something is almost overwhelming. My body starts shaking with need to do something, I need to find her and save her. I rush back into the house and find Alex lounging on the sofa. He sees me. "Good morni- what's wrong?" He asks immediately nothing my distress that must so clearly be visible on my face and my trembling body. I don't even bother hiding it because that just doesn't seem important right now and he's my parabatai. I trust him and I don't need to hide anything from him. It doesn't matter that I show my vulnerability to him because that's what trusting somebody means. Allowing them to see you at your best and worse.

"Clary got kidnapped," I say, being as direct and straightforward as possible, so as to not waste much time. He frowns and asks, only slightly dubiously, "Are you sure? Have you checked the entire house?"

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