Hello Again

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When every initiate had jumped and were on solid ground, a girl and a boy led us down a narrow tunnel. The walls were made of stone and the ceilings were slopes. During long intervals we walked in darkness until we arrived to a place where there was light, then we walked in darkness again. To my surprised, the dark intervals calmed me down, relaxed me. When I got abused by Sebastian, I would usually sneak out at night to go watch the stars, away from all the city lights because that was the only place where I could think properly. That is when I wasn’t injured too much.

All of the sudden we all stop, and when I looked in front of us, our two leaders were standing there, with their arms crossed.

"This is where we divide," the girl announced, "The Dauntless-born initiates are with me. I assume you don't need a tour of the place." She smiled, and beckoned to the Dauntless born initiates to follow her before they left.

Now only 10 of us were left: one Abnegation and the rest from Erudite and Candor. "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor. My name is Four." said the boy who had stayed behind to talk to us.

"Four? Like the number?" asked Christina.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Four asked.

"No." she answered quickly.

"Good. We're about to go to the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-"

"The Pit? Clever name." Christina blurted out.

It probably wasn't a good idea because Four walked up to her and stared at her for a couple of seconds until he said quietly, "What's your name?"

"Christina." she answered in a small voice.

"Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction," he told her roughly, and for a second I thought he might of hit her, but unfortunately he continued talking. "The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?" She nodded.

Finally someone made her shut up.

We continued walking and Peter took my hand. All of us walked in silence until Four pushed a set of double doors open and we walked into the place called the Pit. It was an underground cavern that was gigantic. I couldn't even see the far end from where I was. There were uneven rock walls several stories high, and built into them were places for everything you might need. The only thing connecting the places to one another were narrow paths and steps carved from rock with no barriers. On the ceiling-if we could call it a ceiling-were panes of glass, looking up at the city. At random intervals above the stone paths were blue lanterns, faintly illuminating the Pit. Everywhere there were people dressed all in black, laughing, shouting and talking; they really seemed to be having fun. Soon, I would be a part of them.

"If you follow me," Four said, bringing me back to reality, "I will show you the chasm." He led us to the right side of the Pit all the way until we were standing on an iron barrier. Even before we got to the railing, I heard a loud deafening sound. I looked down and the only thing I saw was water, fast and very powerful moving water which crashed onto the rocks. Four had to shout in order for us to hear him speak. "The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" Instead of looking at him as he spoke, I looked down at the water. "A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned."

"Let’s hope someone," Molly said, pointing a finger at Christina, "jumps off soon." Peter and Drew laughed, but I didn't. I was still looking at the water, just imagining my dad pushing me off it for arriving late from school like he once threatened to do. The only difference is that it was in the lake close to my house. I didn't even realize we had continued walking until Peter put his arm around my shoulders and tagged me along.

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