Chapter 19

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Aria Pov.

I got up onto the chair and lifted my top up. She squirted the cold gel on my stomach which caused me to flinch. She spread the gel and looked at the moniter. "Bit small for its age and you will be able to find out the gender the next time you are here." I nodded.

"How many months pregnant is she." Hanna said jumping in.

"Well she is about 3-4 months pregnant." She said.

"Oh were prego buddies I guess im 4 month pregnant." She said with a smile.

"Can I book an appointment." Spencer asked.

"You have to do that at the front desk" She said as she printed the picture from the moniter. Spencer nodded.

"Okay...I will write you a slip so you can remember when your appointment is. Its a bit closer than your friends just because this little guy is too small." She said wiping the gel off my stomach.

"Wait..Is the baby going to be okay?" I questioned.

"Too early to tell but so far the little guy looks healthy just under cooked." The doctor said. I got off the chair and left the room with hanna and spencer. Spencer went to the desk and booked herself an appointment for the next week. We left the hospital and made our way to Hanna's house. We went upstairs and began to pack our clothes which we brought two weeks ago.

"Are you sure you have to go.." Hanna said.

"We stayed for two weeks and now you and your mum need to spend some time together." Spencer said. I nodded in agreement. Hanna sighed. Emily walked in and had a confused look on her face.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Packing... Why?" I said.

"Why are you packing." She questioned.

"Hanna's mum is coming home today." Spencer cleared up.

"No she isn't. Remember her important meeting got postponed till next week monday. I told you at dinner yesterday." Emily said.

"No you didn't." I said.

"Sorry must have slipped my mind." Emily whispered.

"Yay you guys have to stay longer." Hanna screamed in happiness.

"Im not going to bother un packing I was almost finished." Spencer complained.

"Sorry..." Emily said sheepily. All our phones beeped. We reluctantly opened the message and all read it our loud.

Plans all together great four liars under one roof you will never know when I will strike. -A

I threw my phone onto the be. "When is this going to end." Hanna asked still looking at her phone. "I mean what did we do that was so bad to deserve this."

"We met Alison." Spencer said. We all looked at her. "What do you mean." Emily asked.

"We told Ali everything and some how someone else knows about it. If we never met alison we wouldn't be stuck in this mess. But im happy we did meet Alison otherwise I would have met you lot or toby."She said with a small smile.

"Thanks" We all said.

"Im happy I met you guys too." Emily said. We all smiled.

"Okay im going to get some food." Hanna said. "Want anything."

"No im fine." I said.

"Same" Emily and Spencer cleared.

Hanna left the room and went downstairs. "Imagine we never met each other." I said out of the blue.

"If I never met you guys.." We were interupted by a big crashing sound downstairs. We quickly ran downstairs and saw that someone had broken into the house. The door was smashed. And some of the pictures on the mantle were on the ground and smashed. We saw Hanna on the ground breathing heavily and quickly rushed to her.

Hanna Pov

I went downstairs to grab some food. I realised that the door was open I looked around to see if anyone had entered. I went up to the door and then locked it with my key. I turned around and went into the kitchen. I noticed that some of the pictures on the mantle had been knocked over. I looked around frantically and couldn't see anyone. "Guys" I called out. I grabbed a frying pan which I forgot to put away yesterday.  When suddenly someone grabbed me from the back and holded me tightly around the neck. I was gasping for air but couldn't get any into my lungs. I elbowed the person in the guts and began taking deep breaths. I looked at the perosn who was wearing a black hoody and quickly grabbed it and pulled it back. I stood there in shock and didn't know how to react. I pulled his hood back up and he quickly slamed me towards the wall and smashed through the glass back door to get out. I collapsed to the ground and felt a growing pain in my stomach. I clutched it hoping nothing bad would happen. I heard footsteps and looked up it was the girls. I tried to call out to them but I couldn't the pain just kept on growing. I suddenly felt a trickle of blood down my leg...

A/N hope this chapter was okay.


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