Chapter 26

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Hanna Pov

I slowly walked home from school. Its been 3 month since Caleb came back and things have been amazing. I feel so sorry for Aria, she is still ignoring Ezra. He has come and tried to visit Aria but she won't allow it. I opened the door of my house "Mom Im home." I shouted. After my mum came back my dad and kate moved out so I moved back in. I looked at the time it was 4 o'clock. I texted the girls to see weather they wanted to come home to discuss the baby shower we were having in 2 weeks. They all replied and said to meet at the brew.

I went into the kitchen my mum was on the laptop working. "Hey mum Im going out me and the girls are going to discuss things with the baby shower." I informed.

"Okay but first I want you to eat something first." She said. "This little princess is growing so fast." 

"Okay let me just tell the girls im going to be a bit late." I said. She gave me a small nod. I opened the fridge and gabbed the chicken salad out. It tasted amazing. Soon after i headed out and made my way to the brew. I got there and saw the girls laughing. I walked towards them. They all looked up " Hey Hanna." Emily said.

"Hey" I replied.

We finished discussing the baby shower when all of a sudden Aria stood up. She headed towards the door." Aria" We all said at once. 

Aria Pov

I headed towards the door. It was Riley. Even though it was a one night stand me and Riley really connected. Rileys face became really shocked after he saw my huge stomach. Spencers stomach was quite big I thought to myself, she was now 5 months pregnant, the doctor said her kid is a bit under cooked. "Riley what are you doing in rosewood." I asked.

"What happened to you?" Riley questioned.

"I got pregnant...Duh" I anwsered.

"Now what are you doing here?" I repeated. 

"I live here now, its closer to my university, I just graduated." He said.

"Im going to graduate next month." I said.

"Well I hope you invite me." He said. "Now is this a boy or a girl." 

"Its a little boy." I anwsered. "How long are you here?" 

"Im staying here till I want to move, I guess. I got this apartment not far from here." He said.

"I hope I see you around soon " I said.

I waved goodbye and turned back around and went back to the girls who had smile plastered to their faces. A small smile grew on my face. "So who is that, handsome looking dude." Hanna asked.

"You know when I went MIA on you guys I sorta had a one night stand and it was him and he is so caring, amazing, fantastic." I listed. 

"Okay...Okay....Aria we get it he is amazing." Spencer said. "Okay im kind of tired im going to go home guys"

We all nodded and decided to get going. "Aria do you need me to drop you off." Emily asked.

"Spencer are you staying at Toby's today." I asked.

"No ever since I got pregnant Im not allowed to stay over at Tobys but I can visit him." Spencer said. 

"You never told us that and yes please Emily." I said.

"It must of slipped my mind sorry." Spencer told us.

Spencer Pov.

I walked out of the brew and made my way to the car and saw a note wedged between the the door. I opened the door and the note fell to my feet. I picked it up. It was adressed to me. My name was written in large curvy letters, it was just like alison wrote it to me. I slowly opened the and read 

Spencer is it true was Melissa said if so leave this note on the frame of your bed. Please do this I need to kow.

 I stood there waiting for someone to jump of of a bush and say it was all a joke or for someone to come attack me but nothing. I instantly drove home and left the note onn my bed frame, then waited. No one came so i drifted of to sleep.

This story will have 40 chapter which I have written and will be posted day by day, I havent posted them yet casue it is going through editing



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